Hello, World! 👋 I'm Om Purwar

A Passionate Software Engineer from India, Innovating the Future


  • 🔭 Currently, I'm working on Fi-Plan, a platform designed to assist you in making informed financial decisions.
  • 🌱 I’m broadening my knowledge base by learning Tensorflow.
  • 💬 Feel free to ask me about Vue, Express, MongoDB, JavaScript.
  • 📫 You can reach me at ompurwar96@gmail.com.
  • 📄 Learn more about my experiences here.

Let's Connect:

sarangpurwar om-purwar-6ba4416a om-purwar code_with_om code with om kaidranzerom

My GitHub Stats:

ompurwar ompurwar


My Toolkit:


vuejs html5 css3 javascript bootstrap tailwind typescript chartjs


mongodb express nginx postman


aws docker git

Other Tools:

flutter arduino cplusplus xd