
A package to color the text and create timestamped logs string

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A package to color the text and create timestamped logs string

To install rainbow_chalk module

npm i rainbow_chalk

To require the rainbow_chalk module

var  rainbow  =  require('rainbow_chalk');

To Instantiate the Rainbow_Chalk object

var  myRainbow  =  new  rainbow.Rainbow();

To generate timeStamped logs

console.log(myRainbow.info("hi this is an info log"));
console.log(myRainbow.warn("hi this is an warning log"));
console.log(myRainbow.error("hi this is an error log"));

To generate colored string

console.log(myRainbow.dim("this dim text"));
console.log(myRainbow.blue("this blue text"));
console.log(myRainbow.cyan("this cyan text"));
console.log(myRainbow.blink("this blink text"));
console.log(myRainbow.green("this green text"));
console.log(myRainbow.bright("this bright text"));
console.log(myRainbow.magenta("this magenta text"));
console.log(myRainbow.lightYellow("this light yellow text"));
console.log(myRainbow.invertBg("this inverted background text"));

Output will be

