Portfolio Template

Hey! I made this quick and simple portfolio template for friends that are new to programming and want a simple portfolio. I spun this project up during my lunch, so there might be some small issues within it. Feel free to tweak it and repurpose it however you would like!

Live demo

alt text alt text


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

  1. Instal dependencies & running local env
Using yarn

yarn install
yarn dev
Using npm

npm install
npm run dev
Using pnpm

pnpm install
pnpm dev
  1. Navigate to /src/app/data.ts

Replace the placeholder data with your name, projects, etc. You can update the images used by importing them into the /public or directly linking image URLS that are hosted on 3rd party services. I have configured images.unsplash.com by default in the next.config.js file.


I highly recommend deploying this project via Vercel. It is quick and simple. They also have a very generous free tier.

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