
SDK for working with Nuclio

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


SDK for working with nuclio

Getting started

First, let's prepare a GOPATH directory (or use your own) and get the nuclio SDK:

export GOPATH=~/nuclio && mkdir -p $GOPATH
go get -u github.com/nuclio/nuclio-sdk

To start deploying functions we'll need a remote Kubernetes 1.7+ cluster (nuclio uses CRDs which were introduced in 1.7) which we can install in one of three ways:

  1. On a local VM with minikube
  2. On a local VM with Vagrant
  3. From scratch with kubeadm on Ubuntu

With a functioning kuberenetes cluster (with built-in docker registry) and a working kubectl, we can go ahead and install the nuclio services on the cluster:

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/nuclio/nuclio-sdk/hack/k8s/install/scratch/resources && kubectl create -f controller.yaml,playground.yaml && cd -

Use kubectl get pods to verify both controller and playground have a status of Running.

Using the nuclio playground

Browse to http://<cluster-ip>:32050 - you should be greeted by the nuclio playground. Choose one of the built in examples and click deploy. The first build will populate the local docker cache with base images and such, so it might take a while depending on your network. Once the function has been deployed, you can invoke it with a body by clicking "Invoke".

Using nuctl, the nuclio command line tool

First, make sure you have Golang 1.8+ (https://golang.org/doc/install) and Docker (https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation). Now build nuctl, the nuclio command line tool and add $GOPATH/bin to path for this session:

go get -u github.com/nuclio/nuclio/cmd/nuctl

Before docker images can be pushed to our built in registry, we need to add <cluster-ip>:31276 (e.g. if you're using Vagrant) to the list of insecure registries. If you're using Docker for Mac you can find this under Preferences -> Daemon.

Deploy the hello world example:

nuctl deploy -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/nuclio/nuclio-sdk/examples/hello-world --registry [registry address] helloworld --run-registry localhost:5000

If you're using minikube, the registry address is $(minikube ip):5000. If you used kubeadm or Vagrant, the registry address is <cluster-ip>:31276.

And finally execute it:

nuctl invoke helloworld