
last exercise in labcpp

Primary LanguageC++

 |               big              |                small                   |
 |       +        |       *       |        *         |          +          |
 |                |               |                  |                     |
 | 0.0592733sec   |   1.38934sec  |   0.000124173sec |     0.000160601sec  |  parallel
 |                |               |                  |                     |
 | 0.0123527sec   |   19.3726sec  |   1.449e-06sec   |     6.15e-07sec     |   sequential
 |                |               |                  |                     |

i) There is a difference between the 2 sets of data. With big data, the program perform faster in
   parallel mod, while with smaller data it perform faster in sequential. The difference comes from
   the "cost" of opening and closing new threads. If the data is big enough, it pays off, but if
   it's too small, it's just make the process more complicated.

ii) There is a difference between sum operation and multiplication. It is related to the
	multiplication algorithm, which is n^3 on square matrices, in compare to the linear
	complexity of the sum operation.