Prioritized Safe Interval Path Planning with Continuous-Time Conflict Annotation

This is a repository for the following paper:

  • Kazumi Kasaura, Mai Nishimura, and Ryo Yonetani. “Prioritized Safe Interval Path Planning for Multi-Agent Pathfinding With Continuous Time on 2D Roadmaps.” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7.4 (2022): 10494–10501.

This repository contains Continuous-CBS as a submodule.

Getting Started

You can use Dockerfile to build an environment for this repository.

This project uses C++14 standard library. Make sure your compiler support it. Some tools, such as visualizer, uses Python3 with numpy and matplotlib.


  • CMake — an open-source, cross-platform family of tools designed to build, test and package software.
  • yaml-cpp — a YAML parser and emitter in C++ matching the YAML 1.2 spec.
  • CGAL — a software project that provides easy access to efficient and reliable geometric algorithms in the form of a C++ library.


Download this repository:

git clone

At the downloaded repository, build by make command:

cmake -H. -Bbuild && make -j -C build


The samples of problems with continuous spaces and problems with roadmaps are contained in problem_instances/spatial or problem_instances/roadmaps.

Generate Roadmap

roadmap_generation inputs a problem with continuous space and generate a problem with roadmap.

In default setting, it reads from the standard input and writes to the standard output. For exmaple,

./build/roadmap_generation < spatial_problem.txt > roadmap_problem.txt

The configuration is stored in config/roadmap_generation.yaml. You can also use your configuration file as follows:

./build/roadmap_generation your_generation_config.yaml

Roadmaps can be visualized by tools/ script:

./tools/plot_roadmap.txt spatial_problem.txt roadmap_problem.txt


planner_benchmark inputs problems with roadmaps and generate plans for them by planning algorithms. Runtime for planning is displayed in standard error.

In default setting, it reads one problem from the standard input and writes to the standard output. For example,

./build/planner_benchmark < roadmap_problem.txt > plan.txt

The configuration is stored in config/planner_benchmark.yaml. You can also use your configuration file as follows:

./build/planner_benchmark your_planning_config.yaml

By modifying configuration file, this command can solve several problems by several planners at once.

Plans can be visualized by tools/ script:

./tools/ spatial_problem.txt plan.txt time_step

where time_step is a value which means the time scale corresponding one frame in the animation.

Config Parameters

Roadmap Generation

  • Generator
    • Type: kPRM (Probabilistic Roadmap with Nearest neighborhood) or CDT (Constrained Delaunay Triangulation).
    • number_of_vertices: For kPRM, the number of sampled points.
    • number_of_neighbors: For kPRM, the number of points connected with each point.
    • number_of_additionals: For CDT, the number of points sampled additionally.
  • Input
    • Type: Text
    • file: stdin for starndard input, or path to input file.
  • Output: stdout for standard output, or path to output file.


  • Problems: Several configurations for problems can be listed here.
    • ProblemName: Any string which identify the problem.
      • Type: Geometric for collision check in planning time, or Explicit for annotating conflicts beforehand.
      • file: stdin` for starndard input, or path to input file.
  • Problems: Several configurations for planners can be listed here.
    • PlannerName: Any string which identify the planner.
      • Type: PSIPP for Prioritized Safe Interval Path Planning, or CCBS for Continuous Conflict-Based Search.
      • time_limit: time limit for planning. The default value is 30 seconds.
  • Output: stdout for standard output, or path to output file.

File Formats

Problem with Continuous Space

number_of_obstacles number_of_agents

agent_1_start_x agent_1_start_y agent_1_goal_x agent_1_goal_y
agent_2_start_x agent_2_start_y agent_2_goal_x agent_2_goal_y

Polygons are described as follows:

vertex_1_x vertex_1_y
vertex_2_x vertex_2_y

Problem with Roadmap

number_of_vertices number_of_edges number_of_agents
vertex_1_x vertex_1_y
vertex_2_x vertex_2_y

edge_1_source_vertex_id edge_1_target_vertex_id
edge_2_source_vertex_id edge_2_target_vertex_id

agent_1_start_vertex_id agent_1_goal_vertex_id
agent_2_start_vertex_id agent_2_goal_vertex_id



number_of_agents radius_of_agents

Paths are described as follows:

x_1 y_1
x_2 y_2


This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.


  title={Prioritized Safe Interval Path Planning for Multi-Agent Pathfinding With Continuous Time on 2D Roadmaps},
  author={Kasaura, Kazumi and Nishimura, Mai and Yonetani, Ryo},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},