
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Periodic Multi-Agent Path Planning

This is a repository for the following paper:

  • Kazumi Kasaura, Ryo Yonetani, and Mai Nishimura. 2023. “Periodic Multi-Agent Path Planning.” In AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Getting Started

You can use Dockerfile to build an environment for this repository.

This project uses C++17 standard library. Make sure your compiler support it. Some tools, such as visualizer, uses Python3 with numpy and matplotlib.


  • CMake — an open-source, cross-platform family of tools designed to build, test and package software.
  • yaml-cpp — a YAML parser and emitter in C++ matching the YAML 1.2 spec.
  • Eigen — a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.
  • g2o — an open-source C++ framework for optimizing graph-based nonlinear error functions.


Download this repository:

git clone https://github.com/omron-sinicx/PeriodicMAPP.git

At the downloaded repository, build by make command:

cmake -H. -Bbuild && make -j -C build


test/scripts/optimize.sh is a script used in experiments, which is an example of usage.

Initial Plan Generation

generate_path_and_intersection inputs a cycle $M$ as an argument and a problem instance from standard input. It outputs a condition for initial plan.

generate_general_initial_periodic_plan inputs a parameterm, which represents a temporal room at intersections and set to $1.0$ in our experiments, as an argument and a condition for initial plan from standart input. It outputs an initial plan.

./generate_path_and_intersection M < problem_instance.txt > condition.txt
./generate_general_initial_periodic_plan temporal_room < condition.txt > initial_plan.txt


optimize_periodic_plan_g2o optimizes initial plan. Its input and output files are specified by config file. If there is no argument, it read config from "../config/optimize_periodic_plan_g2o.yaml".


You can also use your configuration file as follows:

./optimize_periodic_plan_g2o your_config.yaml


tools/visualize_period_plan.py is a script to visualize periodic plans.

../tools/visualize_period_plan.py plan.txt time_step

where time_step is a value which means the time scale corresponding one frame in the animation.

Config Parameters

These parameters can be set by config file for optimization.

  • input: The file path to input the initial plan.
  • output: The file path to output the optimized plan.
  • Environment: The file path to input the environment.
  • number_of_way_points: The number of way points, which is $K+1$ in our paper.
  • target_agent_radius: The target value $r$ of agent radius.
  • max_velocity: The upperbound $v_{\mathrm{max}}$ of velocity.
  • target_period: The target value of period, which is $\frac{2r}{v_{\mathrm{max}}}$ in our paper.
  • path_cost_method: If it is default, the term of squared sum of velocities are added to objective function. If it is nothing, this term is not added.
  • path_cost: The value of path cost coefficient $\sigma_{\mathrm{t}}$.
  • agent_radius_cost: The value of radius penalty coefficient $\sigma_{\mathrm{r}}$.
  • max_velocity_cost: The value of max valocity penalty coefficient $\sigma_{\mathrm{v}}$.
  • collision_cost: The value of obstacle penalty coefficient $\sigma_{\mathrm{o}}$ and collision penalty coefficient $\sigma_{\mathrm{c}}$.
  • variable_delta: If it is true, time durations $\Delta t$ are considered as variables and modified when optimization. Otherwise, they are fixed.
  • number_of_iterations: A sequence of numbers of iterations
  • graph_update_intervals: A sequence of periods of graph updations. The length of this sequences must be the same as that of number_of_iterations. First, optimizer runs with the first value of number_of_iterations as the number of iterations and the first value of graph_update_intervals as period of graph updations. Second, optimizer runs with the second values. And so on.
  • until_converge: If this parameter is specified, optimizer runs until the difference of objective values becomes less than its value.
  • increase_coefficients: If it is true, the penalty coefficients are multiplied when the last optimization steps corresponding the last value of number_of_iterations.
  • coefficient_growth_rate: The value multiplied to the penalty coefficients.
  • uninitialized_lambda: If it is true, the lambda value for Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm is not reset when the graph is updated.

File Formats


number_of_obstacles number_of_agents

agent_1_start_x agent_1_start_y agent_1_goal_x agent_1_goal_y
agent_2_start_x agent_2_start_y agent_2_goal_x agent_2_goal_y

Polygons are described as follows:

vertex_1_x vertex_1_y
vertex_2_x vertex_2_y

Problem Instance

number_of_pairs radius_of_agents
start_1_x start_1_y goal_1_x goal_1_y
start_2_x start_2_y goal_2_x goal_2_y


cycle radius_of_agents period number_of_pairs


Trajectories are described as follows:

x_1 y_1 time_1
x_2 y_2 time_2


This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.


arXiv version

  title={Periodic Multi-Agent Path Planning},
  author={Kasaura, Kazumi and Yonetani, Ryo and Nishimura, Mai},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.10910},

AAAI version

  title={Periodic Multi-Agent Path Planning},
  author={Kasaura, Kazumi, and Yonetani, Ryo and Nishimura, Mai},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},