Action Constrained Deep RL

This repository contains various environments, as well as the implementation of various algorithms for action-constrained deep reinforcement learning. The code is organized for ease of use and experimentation.

The detailed description of these experiments can be found at arXiv preprint.


We recommend docker-based installation using Dockerfile provided.

Building Image

docker build -t action_constrained_rl --build-arg USERNAME=$(USERNAME) --build-arg USER_UID=$(USER_UID) .

Attaching to a Container

docker run --gpus all -it -v $(pwd):/workspace/action_constrained_rl action_constrained_rl:latest

Available Algorithms

The repository contains the following algorithms for action-constrained RL. Our implemetatin is built on top of StableBaselines3. For the details of the algorithms, please refer to our forthcoming paper.

TD3 Family Description
DPro TD3 with critic trained using projected actions
DPro+ DPro with the penalty term
DPre TD3 with pre-projected actions
DPre+ DPre with penalty term
DOpt TD3 with optimization layer
DOpt+ DOpt with penalty term
NFW NFWPO with TD3 techniques (clipped double Q learning, target policy smoothing and delayed policy update)
DAlpha TD3 with α-projection
DRad TD3 with radial squashing
SAC Family Description
SPre SAC with pre-projected actions
SPre+ SPre with penalty term
SAlpha SAC with α-projection
SRad SAC with radial squashing

Available Environment and Constraints

The repository contains the following environment and constraint combinations:

Environment Name Constraint
Reacher R+N No additional constraint
R+L2 $$a_1^2+a_2^2\leq 0.05$$
R+O03 $$\sum_{i=1}^2 |w_ia_i|\leq 0.3$$
R+O10 $$\sum_{i=1}^2 |w_ia_i|\leq 1.0$$
R+O30 $$\sum_{i=1}^2 |w_ia_i|\leq 3.0$$
R+M $$\sum_{i=1}^2 \max{w_ia_i,0}\leq 1.0$$
R+T $$a_1^2+2a_1(a_1+a_2)\cos \theta_2+(a_1+a_2)^2\leq 0.05$$
HalfCheetah HC+O $$\sum_{i=1}^6|w_ia_i|\leq 20$$
HC+MA $$w_1a_1\sin (\theta_1+\theta_2+\theta_3)+w_4a_4\sin (\theta_4+\theta_5+\theta_6)\leq 5$$
Hopper H+M $$\sum_{i=1}^3\max{w_ia_i,0}\leq 10$$
H+O+S $$\sum_{i=1}^3|w_ia_i|\leq 10, \sum_{i=1}^3 a_i^2\sin^2\theta_i\leq 0.1$$
Walker2d W+M $$\sum_{i=1}^6\max{w_ia_i,0}\leq 10$$
W+O+S $$\sum_{i=1}^6|w_ia_i|\leq 10, \sum_{i=1}^6 a_i^2\sin^2\theta_i\leq 0.1$$



To run the DPre algorithm on the R+L2 task with a random seed of 1 and log the results to logs/R+L2-DPre-1, execute the following command:

python3 -m train --log_dir logs/R+L2-DPre-1 --prob_id R+L2 --algo_id DPre --seed 1

Note that you can also explicitly specify tasks, algorithms, or hyperparameters using command-line arguments.

Aggregating Results

When experiments with 1-10 seeds are logged in logs/R+L2-DPre-1, ..., logs/R+L2-DPre-10, run:

python3 -m evaluation --log_dir logs/R+L2-DPre --prob_id R+L2 --algo_id DPre

Then the evaluarion results are stored in logs/R+L2-DPre.


  title={Benchmarking Actor-Critic Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Robotics Control with Action Constraints},
  author={Kasaura, Kazumi and Miura, Shuwa and Kozuno, Tadashi and Yonetani, Ryo and Hoshino, Kenta and Hosoe, Yohei},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08743},