Welcome to my-shop

  • Navbar

    • It will contains all the routes of my website
    • user can jump to login, signup, home or cart page from here
  • Home Page

    • Products Page

      here all product pages will be displayed that are available in our store
      • Product Card

        This is our individual product page
  • cart Page

    all the cart items will be displayed in this page along with the amount details

  • Login Page

    user will redirected to the login page if he want's to add some product to the cart or want to access the cart

  • Sign Up Page

    • user will be redirected to this page when he will not be a existing user of our website
    • user can also go to this page from our navbar

User Authentication

  • User is authenticated by use of the firebase authentication

ways of authentication

  • Using Email and Password (for this user should have been signed up first)
  • Using Google Oauth