
checkpoint 2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Codacy Badge CircleCI


This code extends the String class in java and adds more function in it.

Functions added include:

  • hasVowels()
  • toUpper()
  • toLower()
  • ucFirst()
  • isQuestion()
  • words()
  • wordCount()
  • toCurrency()
  • fromCurrency()

###hasVowels() This method returns true if a string contains any vowel and false otherwise

###toUpper() This method returns all characters of the given string in uppercase.

###toLower() This method returns all characters of the given string in lowercase.

###ucFirst() This method turns the first character of the given string as uppercase.

###isQuestion() This method returns true if the string has a question mark i.e ?

###words() This method returns an array of the words in a given string.

###wordCount() This method returns a count of the unique words in a given string.

###toCurrency() This method returns a string formatted like currency.

'4623917297.50'.toCurrency() //will return 4,623,917,297.50

###fromCurrency() This method returns a number when given a string formatted like currency.

4,623,917,297.50.fromCurrency() //will return 4623917297.50