

DESIGN @ https://www.figma.com/file/iXdsrT9OjcXH0mTrQzyfGD/low-fi--project-phase-Logo?node-id=98%3A2

LIVE @ https://zero-hunger.vercel.app

The challenge is to reduce hunger among the less privileged in our society. Our product aims at connecting restaurants , homes and organizations in different communities who are willing and ready to donate food and other consumables to the less privileged

Contribution Guide

1 - Go to Github and fork the Repo

2 - Go to your github page and clone the forked repo

3 - Create a project folder in your local machine

4 - Navigate to it in the terminal. Run 'git clone(github link)'

5 - Create a branch for your Task 'git checkout -b '

6 - After changes - git add , - git commit m 'some comments' , - git push origin (name of your branch)

7 - Create a Pull Request