
SoMee Social Translation Project - You can apply at https://translate.devs.somee.social - if accepted, you'll be able to submit translations to this repo for use in the application :)

Welcome to SoMee Translate

To apply to be a translator, please visit https://translate.devs.somee.social and click 'Register' at the top right. Note, that all users are allowed to register and provide translations, as well as add translations as needed - however, only registered reviewers will be able to push any information to this repoisotry.

What it is

SoMee Translate is a Weblate enabled, collaborative translation project - it is designed in such a way that both the mobile apps, as well as the web app, are able to reference THIS repository and pull the needed language files into the applications when users are switching langagues for reference.

How it works?

Users will register on the website, start translating their desired language, and then a review team will go in and review the translations. Once approved, those will be pushed to this repository. When users switch languages on the app or website, it'll refer to THESE files in order to reference the necessary strings.

How do i become a reviewer?

If you are a subject matter expert in yoru field, you can email support@somee.social ATTN: SoMee Translate, and request to become a reviewer. A reviewer has higher permissions than any regular user, and has the ability to push to this repository from our Translate instance. To that end, we will review each application and make the proper determinations on if you have access. If you do, then we'll be able to assign you that access and you'll be able to push changes here.