Simple golang HTTP echo server. Also has a Prometheus metrics endpoint at http://localhost:2112/metrics.
Can be used as a container image:
docker run -dit -p 80:80 -p 2112:2112 cirri/echo:latest
For use with cirri
--infra (using caddy, caddy-docker-proxy and some DNS magic):
docker run -dit --network cirri_proxy \
--name echo_dev \
maps the echo to `https://echo_dev.${STACKDOMAIN}` and the metrics to `https://echo_dev.${STACKDOMAIN}/metrics` using the `virtual.port` and `virtual.metrics` labels in the image.
go run echo.go -p 8080
Click http://localhost:8080/hello and the response should be similar to this:
"Body": {
"String": ""
"ContentLength": 0,
"Header": {
"Accept": [
"Accept-Encoding": [
"gzip, deflate"
"Connection": [
"User-Agent": [
"Host": "localhost:8080",
"Method": "GET",
"Proto": "HTTP/1.1",
"ProtoMajor": 1,
"ProtoMinor": 1,
"RemoteAddr": "[::1]:53697",
"RequestURI": "/hello?q=world",
"Trailer": null,
"TransferEncoding": null,
"URL": {
"Fragment": "",
"Host": "",
"Opaque": "",
"Path": "/hello",
"RawPath": "",
"RawQuery": "q=world",
"Scheme": "",
"User": null