- 8
Issue with recognision of gamequerry functions
#25 opened by razvan393 - 3
fadeTo not work ?
#16 opened by wanderBee - 1
Contribution to the gamequery
#13 opened by jarodium - 1
namespace jquery.gamequery.ext.js
#1 opened by aaronwinborn - 4
- 5
mouse functionality not working
#5 opened by hososugi - 4
The API Browser hover menu on the API documentation hides content on small screens
#22 opened by olliepop - 1
scenegraph incorrectly positioned
#21 opened by onaluf - 0
- 1
some sprites are not cleared
#17 opened by ex - 1
why is "undefined"???
#18 opened by kevinkam - 1
- 2
- 2
rotate not working in 0.6.0 anymore
#11 opened by debagel - 4
- 5
Latest Commit made setAnimation() fails.
#3 opened by Elyx0 - 2
Problem getting started
#4 opened by hososugi