
Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Getting started

The portal-ng ui can either be developed against a remote cluster or it's dependencies can be run locally on your machine.

Allow unpriviliged (non-sudo) programs to bind to low ports (i.e 80)

On linux, programs that run in an unprivileged mode are not allowed to bind to low ports (<=1024). A capability needs to be defined to allow the node process to do so:

sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' `readlink -f \`which node\``

Developing against a remote cluster

To develop against a remote cluster, the webpack proxy needs to be configured to forward requests to the remote cluster urls. For that we are providing a staging.proxy.config.json.template file that needs to be adjusted with your cluster hostnames and then saved as staging.proxy.config.json. After that, you can either use npm start or the staging.sh to launch the portal-ng in development mode:

npm start

Developing against local containers

We are providing a docker-compose file that can be used to spin up the portal-ng and it's dependencies (like Keycloak or the bff) on your machine.

To do that, execute the run.sh in the development folder:


To stop the portal-ng, portal backend services, Keycloak and the databases run:


Access the ui

Example requests against the portal backend service can be run in your preferred IDE with the request.http file from the development folder.

You can access the portal-ng UI via browser with different default user accounts. Note that these accounts have different roles and differ accordingly in what they are allowed to see in the portal.

URL: http://localhost

username: onap-admin
password: password

username: onap-designer
password: password

username: onap-operator
password: password

You can access the Keycloak UI via browser.

URL: http://localhost:8080

username: admin
password: password


Build the docker image

Run npm run build -- --prod --base-href=/portal-ui/ to get a production build of the project, this will be used in the docker build.

In the configuration of nginx (the nginx.template) we have a few environment variables that need to be set.

export NGINX_PORT=80
export BFF_URL=http://bff:9080/
export WIREMOCK_URL=http://wiremock:8080/

Finally, build the image with

docker build -t portal-ng .

Run the docker image

docker run -e "NGINX_PORT=80" -e "BFF_URL=http:bff:9080/" -e "WIREMOCK_URL=http://wiremock:8080/" -p 8080:80 portal-ng

Note that this will not work on its own, because the referenced containers (BFF and WIREMOCK) are most likely not available in your local environment. You would have to run them as well, or pass in other urls (like example.com) to get the container running locally. Obviously this does not get you very far though.