Commerce Robokassa 7.x-2.x

This module contains basic integration with Robokassa.

The module works with Drupal Commerce (


Before you'll start the installation process you must register on Robokassa and create your own merchant.

  1. Download the module from and extract it to your modules folder.
  2. Enable it.
  3. Go to /admin/commerce/config/payment-methods and edit Robokassa rule.
  4. Edit Payment method (Just click edit before 'Enable payment method: Robokassa payment').
  5. Setup the settings according your data from Robokassa.

That's it :)

Additional information:

  • Default Success url - /commerce_robokassa/commerce_robokassa/success
  • Default Fail url - /commerce_robokassa/commerce_robokassa/fail
  • Default Result url - /commerce_robokassa/commerce_robokassa/result