

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GitHub Topic Explorer Assignment: Your task is to build a React web application that displays all the "topics" related to the term "react", using the GitHub GraphQL API. The application should display how many "[stargazers](https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/graphql/reference/objects#starga zerconnection)" each topic has. A click on a topic should display the topics related to that topic, and how many stargazers they have. And so forth. To interact with the Github GraphQL API you'll need to have

  • a [Github API key](https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/graphql/guides/forming-calls-with-graphql #authenticating-with-graphql)
  • You'll want to make use of the key in the .env file within your application You may use whatever React framework or library you find useful. URL routing is optional. Evaluation:
  • We will pay particular attention to the way the code is organized, and to the overall readability
  • Unit tests will be greatly appreciated
  • Design will be ignored, however usability and accessibility will be taken into consideration
  • Remember to update this README with instructions on how to install, run and test your application
  • Your first goal is to have a working app, but feel free to improve the application however you see fit
  • We hope that you can complete the assignment within 2 hours but don't set any time constraints
  • Please reach out per email or by opening an issue if anything is unclear or blocking you Best of luck

Dev Notes by Ivan

  • Leave any technical notes on any libraries or tools you chose to use, the more detail the
  • Apollo : I used apollo library to create my GaphQL server and conect with GitHub Api
  • mui : I used mui Library yo help me with some componets like cardas, chips and other basic components
  • react-test-renderer : I used this library with @apollo/client/testing to help me with the test of GaphQL
  • Netlify : I used this tool to to deploy the app, and this tool allow me to connect the site with my github repository

How to run app & test

  • Install all the dependencies by running the command npm install
  • Open the page by running the command npm start
  • Build by running the command npm run build
  • Test by running the command npm run test

Future Improvements

Feel free to elaborate on how you would improve any of the following topics

  • Code Structuring
    • I can use some documentation plugins to increase that part of the code
  • Refactoring:
  • Additional Features:
    • I can use some templates to help me with the UI and UX