
CCDA provides capabilities to validate your CCDAapplicable standards-specifications.

Getting Started - Local Development

1. Installation

To get started locally, follow these instructions:

1. If you haven't done it already, make a fork of this repo https://github.com/onc-healthit/c-cda-validator.
2. Clone to your local computer using git or svn

2. Dependency

1. Java jdk/jre 1.6 or higher.
2. Maven.
3. MySQL 5.x or higher

3. Installation Steps

NOTE: Text in Italicized Bold are specific to your local install directory / information and needs to replaced with the corresponding values.

  1. Install Java

Note: Make sure you have jre directory under your JDK install Eg: if your java install director is c:\java\jdk1.8.0_91


a. Set JAVA_HOME variable in the environment variable. ***JAVA_HOME= c:\java\jdk1.8.0_91***
b. Add Jre to your PATH variable. ***C: \Java\jdk1.8.0_91\jre\bin***
  1. Install maven

    a. SET M2_HOME M2_HOME = C: \apache-maven-3.3.9 b. Add maven to your PATH variable C:\apache-maven-3.3.9\bin

  2. Install MySQL 5.6 or higher https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.6.html#downloads

    NOTE: please note down the root password

    a. Add MYSQL bin to your PATH Variable C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin b. Run DB script

    Steps In the command problem execute the following command

c:> mysql --user=root --password=

mysql> create database direct;

mysql> use direct;

mysql> create user 'direct'@'localhost' identified by ‘’;

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON direct.* TO 'direct'@'localhost';

mysql> source ***C:<dtt_download\database>***direct_schema.sql mysql> show tables;

  1. Creating New Packages
  1. Download code from Git Hub

a. https://github.com/onc-healthit/c-cda-validator b. You should see the following structure


  1. Compile code

Eg: if you download the code to C:\testing\ccda

Execute the following command from the command prompt twice 1st time you will see some FAILURE, execute the same command again and you should see all SUCCESS.

mvn clean install -DskipTests

First Run



Second Run


  1. Packages

Above steps will create a target folder under webapp directory and will have the jar file to run the application.

  1. Execute application

a. Cd webapp\target

b. Copy ..\application.properties.

c. Copy ..\config.properties.

d. Copy ..\announcements.txt.

e. Copy ..\release_notes.txt.

f. java -jar webapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar.


Once you see the “Started Application” message

Open a browser the type the following URL


you should see the application running.


  1. Edit properties

a) Change version number, release date.

Please edit config.properties file to change the version number and release date.


b) Change Inquires or question email and googlegroup address.

Please edit applicaiton.properties file to change the Inquires or question email and googlegroup address.


c) Change Announcements content.

Please edit announcements.txt file to change content of Announcements



d) Change Release Notes content.

Please edit release_notes.txt file to change content of Release Notes

