
Convenient shell scripts for everyday use, written in Bash, Perl, awk, Python

Primary LanguageShell

Shell scripts

Convenient shell scripts for everyday use, written in bash, perl, awk, python.

All scripts print a helpful usage message when used with -h or --help

The ./install.sh script will symlink these scripts in your ~/bin directory. It will not overwrite any existing files.


  • bash/add-stub-pl.sh

    Insert a script header after the first line of a perl script

  • bash/add-stub-sh.sh

    Insert a script header after the first line of a shell script

  • bash/add-usage-sh.sh

    Add a usage() function after the first blank line of a shell script

  • bash/alert.sh

    Sound the system bell

  • bash/backup.sh

    Archive files under BASE/sources/{daily,weekly,monthly}

  • bash/bak.sh

    Move or copy files and directories with .bak or .YYYYMMDD suffix

  • bash/bzr.sh

    Perform repository operations on a tree of bzr repositories

  • bash/capitalize.sh

    Capitalize words in filenames

  • bash/col.sh

    Extract the n-th column of stdin

  • bash/cp-replace.sh

    Replace regex patterns in filenames

  • bash/csv2csv.sh

    Convert CSV to CSV using specified locale

  • bash/demoronizer.sh

    Convert non-ascii characters to ascii (rough) equivalents

  • bash/dos2unix.sh

    Remove carriage return from files

  • bash/download-lj.sh

    Download Linux Journal PDFs from your digital subscription

  • bash/download-lm.sh

    Download Linux Magazine PDFs from your digital subscription

  • bash/eggtimer.sh

    Countdown from specified minutes and seconds

  • bash/extract-icon-from-platter.sh

    Extract an icon image from a platter of icon images

  • bash/find-recent.sh

    Find and sort files by atime/ctime/mtime

  • bash/flac2mp3.sh

    Convert FLAC files to MP3 using flac and lame

  • bash/gen-indexhtml.sh

    Generate index.html from files and directory trees

  • bash/get-checklists.sh

    Get checklists from Code Complete

  • bash/git.sh

    Perform repository operations on a tree of Git repositories

  • bash/icons2dim.sh

    Resize icon images to have specified width and height

  • bash/icons2square.sh

    Pad images with transparency to have equal width and height

  • bash/iconv-filenames.sh

    Convert the encoding of filenames (if possible)

  • bash/id3tag.sh

    Set id3 v2 tag on mp3 files in the current directory and rename nicely

  • bash/ipod2local.sh

    Import mp3 files from ipod to hard disk

  • bash/iptables-simple.sh

    Configure a very simple firewall using iptables

  • bash/jar-manifest-classpath.sh

    Print the classpath entries of the manifest of JAR files

  • bash/java-io-tmpdir.sh

    Print the value of java.io.tmpdir

  • bash/lowercase.sh

    Rename files to all lowercase letters

  • bash/m4a2mp3.sh

    Convert M4A files to MP3 using faad and bladeenc

  • bash/mv-replace.sh

    Replace regex patterns in filenames

  • bash/my-external-ip.sh

    Find my external IP address

  • bash/my-ip.sh

    Print my local IP address

  • bash/paths.sh

    Transform the display of path strings

  • bash/pdf-pages.sh

    Cut out a range of pages from PDF files

  • bash/quote.sh

    Enclose each line of input within quotes

  • bash/rip-audiocd.sh

    Copy titles in an audio CD to wav files in the specified directory

  • bash/rip-dvd.sh

    Rip a DVD movie into a high quality DIVX file

  • bash/save-flash-linux.sh

    Copy a flash movie (youtube.com, etc) saved by a browser in /private

  • bash/save-flash-mac.sh

    Copy a flash movie (youtube.com, etc) saved by a browser in /private

  • bash/save-webpage.sh

    Save a webpage and all the files necessary to display properly

  • bash/screenshot.sh

    Take a screenshot of the entire screen or a window

  • bash/ssh-authorizeme.sh

    Add a public key to the authorized_keys file on a remote server

  • bash/ssh-tunnel-keeper.sh

    Create an ssh rtunnel and try to keep it alive as long as possible

  • bash/svn.sh

    Perform repository operations on a tree of svn repositories

  • bash/svnadmin.sh

    Subversion repository tool based on svnadmin

  • bash/sys-vitalbackup-Linux.sh

    Backup most vital system files and most relevant system information

  • bash/template-html.sh

    Create a standards compliant HTML skeleton

  • bash/template-perl.sh

    Generate a Perl script template with a simple argument parser

  • bash/template-sh.sh

    Generate a Bash script template with a simple argument parser

  • bash/unrar.sh

    Properly unrar files in directories containing spaces in their names

  • bash/uppercase.sh

    Rename files to all uppercase letters

  • bash/wav2mp3.sh

    Convert WAV files to MP3 using bladeenc or lame

  • bash/wma2mp3.sh

    Convert WAV files to MP3 using mplayer, and bladeenc or lame

  • bash/words.sh

    Find words in specified files or directories

  • bash/wp-config-to-my-cnf.sh

    Create a MySQL my.cnf file from a WordPress configuration file


  • perl/FreeBSD.pl

    A package manager for FreeBSD emulating some of the functionality of apt-get

  • perl/atime.pl

    Print access time of specified files

  • perl/base64.pl

    Encode (= default) or decode Base64

  • perl/dbi-info.pl

    Print the list of available DBI drivers and data sources

  • perl/geoip-lookup.pl

    Find the country of a hostname or IP address using Geo::IPfree

  • perl/pie.pl

    Apply expression on the content of files, for example s/foo/bar/g


  • awk/avg.awk

    Compute the average of numeric values on stdin

  • awk/col.awk

    Print the selected column on stdin

  • awk/column.awk

    Columnate lists, imitating the BSD column -t command

  • awk/lengths.awk

    Compute and print the lengths of lines on stdin

  • awk/max.awk

    Compute the minimum of numeric values on stdin

  • awk/min.awk

    Compute the minimum of numeric values on stdin

  • awk/sum.awk

    Compute the sum of numeric values on stdin

  • awk/var.awk

    Compute the variance of numeric values on stdin


  • python/fakedate.py

    Print the current date but with specified values overridden

  • python/free.py

    Display amount of free and used memory in the system

  • python/iconv.py

    Convert the character encoding of files

  • python/paste.py

    Merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files

  • python/pp.py

    Pretty-print JSON

  • python/pwgen.py

    Generate random passwords

  • python/reorder.py

    Add numeric prefix to filenames to match the order specified in a list file

  • python/seq.py

    Print sequences of numbers, imitating the seq tool

  • python/titlecase.py

    Rename files to "titlecased" and "sanitized"

  • python/transpose.py

    Convert columns to lines or lines to columns

  • python/xpath.py

    Test on an XML file an XPATH expression