
Primary LanguagePHP



  • global response object in PHP -> YiiAjax::getResponse() // return object which implments ArrayAccess and Iterator interfaces
  • with AjaxEvent you can send any event with any data from PHP and catch it in javascript
  • AjaxJqueryReplaceWith automatically replace content in provided selector
  • AjaxJqueryHtml similar to AjaxJqueryReplaceWith but use jquery html method


  • using git: go to the application.ext directory and clone project
$> git clone https://github.com/oncesk/yii-ajax.git
  • using archive: download archive and unpack it into application.ext directory

##Yii configuration

Set as a component

return array(
  'components' => array(
    'yiiAjax' => array(
      'class' => 'ext.yii-ajax.YiiAjax'

You can add extension into preload components in your config/main.php config file for auto initialization

return array(
  'preload' => array(


In javascript use YiiAjax object

##Before, After and Custom events

In any callback function will be pasted chain, second parameter

  • before:apply will be invoked before apply response actions
YiiAjax.on('before:apply', function (response, chain) {
 if (response['somekey']) {
   chain.break = true; // and response parsing ends
  • after:apply will be invoked after apply
YiiAjax.on('after:apply', function (response, chain) {
 console.log('called after parsing and apply actions');
  • catch custom events
new AjaxEvent('update.summary', array(
 'totalPrice' => 500,
 'deliveryPrice' => 30
// triggered before invoke update.summary
YiiAjax.on('before:update.summary', function (response, chain) {
 // here you can break next execution or do some actions
 console.log('before invoke update.summary');

YiiAjax.on('update.summary', function (response, chain) {
 console.log('update.summary is invoked');

 console.log('totalPrice is: ' + response.totalPrice);
 // do any action

YiiAjax.on('after:update.summary', function (response) {
 console.log('after update.summary');

####Bind event


YiiAjax.on('error', function (errorObject) {
 // will be called when server send error event

php (part of controller):

public function actionTest() {

protected function _test1() {
 new AjaxEvent('error', array(
   'message' => 'You can not run this test'

protected function _test2() {
 new AjaxEvent('error', array(
   'message' => 'Internal server error'

####Use YiiAjax.ajax

YiiAjax.ajax method proxying success and done callbacks for reformating server response


 url : '/test',
 dataType : 'json',
 success : function (response) {
   console.log(response); // object {success : 0, reason : 'Some reason'}

YiiAjax.on('error', function (errorObject) {
 // will be called when server send error event

php (part of controller):

public function actionTest() {
 $response = YiiAjax::getResponse();
 $response['success'] = false;
 $response['reason'] = 'Some reason';

protected function _test1() {
 new AjaxEvent('error', array(
   'message' => 'You can not run this test'

protected function _test2() {
 new AjaxEvent('error', array(
   'message' => 'Internal server error'

####If you use Jquery.ajax

 url : '/test',
 dataType : 'json',
 success : function (response) {
   // your response in response.response


If you not add extension in preload section, you can initializa it manually!

public function actionIndex() {

You should use Yii::app()->end();

####Global response object

if request is ajax request you can use YiiAjax::getResponse() everywhere in you project

php (part of controller):

public function actionTest() {

protected function test1() {
  $response = YiiAjax::getResponse();
  $response['test1'] = 'success';

protected function test2() {
  $response = YiiAjax::getResponse();
  $response['test2'] = 'success';


 url : '/test',
 dataType : 'json',
 success : function (response) {