Register keys for KVO with fewer lines of code.
You are writing a class that requires the observation of several values. An instance of ONDKVOHelper will save you time.
Populate an NSDictionary object with keys to be observed and methods to be called when observed values change.
Initialize ONDKVOHelper with dictionary object and reference to self.
NSDictionary *keysAndMethods = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"thomasValueHasChanged",@"thomas", @"percyValueHasChanged",@"percy", @"gordonValueHasChanged",@"gordon", @"networkControllerValueHasChanged",@"isControllerFat", nil];
self.KVOHelper = [[ONDKVOHelper alloc] initWithNSDictionaryOfKeysAndMethods:keysAndMethods AndReferenceToSelf:self];