Razzmatazz is a simple javascript module that applies gradients to groups of HTML elements.
Three functions are provided:
razzmatazz.background(); //applies colors to background style of child elements
razzmatazz.foreground(); //applies colors to color style of child elements
razzmatazz.border(); //applies colors to border-color style of child elements
###Example One
<script src="razzmatazz.js"></script>
<ul id="gradient-list">
container: "gradient-list",
children: "li",
startColor: "#ff00ff",
endColor: "#00ffff"
###Example Two
<script src="razzmatazz.js"></script>
<div id="gradient-wrapper">
<h1>Heading 1</h1>
<p class="gradient-child">One</p>
<p class="gradient-child">Two</p>
<h2>Heading 2</h2>
<p class="gradient-child">Three</p>
<p class="gradient-child">Four</p>
<p class="gradient-child">Five</p>
container: "gradient-wrapper",
children: "gradient-child",
startColor: "#ff00ff",
endColor: "#00ffff"
container: "gradient-wrapper", // container element ID
children: "gradient-child", // child elements' class or tag name
startColor: "#ff00ff", // start color in six digit hex
endColor: "#00ffff" // end color in six digit hex