The cypress plugin for ng-apimock.
This plugin connects to ng-apimock and makes the plugin functions available within the tests.
- Enable this plugin in your supports file:
- Add environment variables to
configuration file
Use NG_API_MOCK_ENABLE_LOGS with a string value of "true" or "false". Default: "true". Use NG_API_MOCK_BASE_URL with a string value of base url of your ng-apimock server
"env": {
"NG_API_MOCK_BASE_URL": "http://localhost:3000",
- After registering the plugin and adding environment variables to Cypress config, you can use it in your tests by calling it like this:
describe('Some test', () => {
it('does something', () =>
cy.selectScenario('my-mock-name', 'some-scenario'));
The following functions are available. Each plugin function returns a promise.
Selects the given scenario (when calling this function without a scenario or with 'passThrough' as scenario name, the call will be passed through to the actual backend).
Sets the delay time in milliseconds for the mock. This makes sure the response is delayed. The delay set here overrides the delay defined in the response mock.
Sets the indicator which enables / disables the request logging.
Adds or updates the global variable.
Adds or updates the global variables ie. {'some':'value', 'another': 'value'}.
Deletes the global variable.
Resets all the mocks to the default state.
Sets all the mocks to pass through.
Sets the mocks and variables in the selected state.