This is the start of an export utility to export the CXF confluence spaces to the sites. To run this manually, you need to have a copy of the CXF website checked out to a local directory: svn checkout Build: mvn install You will need to pass credentials for a valid confluence user. This can be done in one of two ways: 1) Command line: -Dconfluence.user=username -Dconfluence.password=password 2) Profile in .m2/settings.xml <profile> <id>confluence</id> <properties> <confluence.user>user</confluence.user> <confluence.password>passwd</confluence.password> </properties> </profile> To export the space: mvn -Pconfluence exec:java should appear in /path/to/content/ In the confluence profile above, you could add a property like: <>/path/to/content</> to simplify passing that into the command. When you commit any changes in the content directory, the changes should be "live" fairly quickly due to the svnpubsub process.