Results.Created returns a relative URI in the location header instead of an absolute (as in classic Web API)
dotnet new webapi --output Issue -minimal
with the following setup:
app.MapPost("/weatherforecast", (WeatherForecast forecast) =>
var id = 42;
return TypedResults.Created($"/weatherforecast/{id}", forecast);
and calling the API with:
POST http://localhost:5268/weatherforecast
"date": "2022-11-15",
"temperatureC": 10,
"summary": "Cool"
yields the following headers:
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
date: Tue,15 Nov 2022 08:10:56 GMT
location: /weatherforecast/42
server: Kestrel
transfer-encoding: chunked
var weather = app.MapGroup("/api/weatherforecast").WithOpenApi();
weather.MapPost("", (WeatherForecast forecast) =>
var id = 42;
return TypedResults.Created($"{id}", forecast);
and calling the API with:
POST http://localhost:5268/api/weatherforecast
"date": "2022-11-15",
"temperatureC": 10,
"summary": "Cool"
yields the following headers:
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
date: Tue,15 Nov 2022 08:11:26 GMT
location: 42
server: Kestrel
transfer-encoding: chunked
In both cases above I would expect an absolute URI in the location header: