
A servlet providing auto-incremented build numbers for projects being built on Jenkins or other environments.

Primary LanguagePython

Table of Contents

Version Server


Version Server is a servlet written in python using web.py. The purpose of the servlet is to provide auto-incremented build numbers for projects being built on Jenkins or other environments. It has a simple REST interface. You can also tell the server to store the identity of the changeset from which you are building.

The Interface

All functions are accessible as simple HTTP GET requests:

  • /generate?project=projectName&v=verMajor.verMinor.verThirdNumber&vcid=changesetId&buildTweaks=specialDefines
    • generates the build number for given project and first three version numbers and returns it and nothing else in the response
    • the vcid parameter is optional
    • the buildTweaks is optional and can contain special parameters which were used to modify the build, such as CMake defines
  • /addproject?project=projectName
    • adds a project to the database and returns its id and nothing else in the response
  • /delproject?project=projectName
    • deletes a project from the database
  • /list
    • lists all projects along with max version number
  • /list?project=projectName
    • lists build for given project including UTC timestamp of the build and vc changeset id if it has been stored


The server uses a MySql database named versionserver. The schema is described by DDL statements in the db/create.sql script.

Project table

The Project table contains list of all known projects. Each project has an integer primary identifier and an unique name.

LastBuild table

The LastBuild table contains last build number for project id and triplet of major, minor and release number. This table allows easy build number generation using one simple UPSERT operation, which is easier than having a table with all the build numbers and just inserting into it.

BuildInfo table

The BuildInfo table contains additional information about a particular build. The build number is first generated using UPSERT operation on the LastBuild table and then used as part of project id, full version tuple to insert an entry into the BuildInfo table.