Ondrej Sika (sika.io) | ondrej@sika.io | go to course -> | join slack, open slack | join.sika.io

ArgoCD Training


Install ArgoCD

Install cluster essentials (ingress-nginx, cert-manager, letsencrypt issuer)

make install-essentials

Install ArgoCD

make install-argocd
make install-essentials

Get admin initial password

kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d && echo

Using slu

slu argocd initial-password

Copy to pasteboard (Mac)

slu argocd initial-password | pbcopy



Install ArgoCD with SSO

Create argocd.sso.values.yml

cp argocd.sso.values.EXAMPLE.yml argocd.sso.values.yml


make install-argocd-with-sso

Create basic ArgoCD App


kubectl apply -f examples/app-manifests.yml

Create ArgoCD App from own repository

Fork ondrejsika/argocd-training to Gitlab.

Manual Sync

Make changes to your repository (gitlab.sikademo.com/ondrejsika/argocd-training) and see if ArgoCD propagate those changes to cluster.

Update repo path

kubectl apply -f examples/app-manifests-gitlab.yml

You can click refresh to fetch new repo version.

Nothing is updated, you can see diff of current state and desired state.

If you want to apply those new changes, you have to click sync.

Create Namespace

ArgoCD don't create namespace for application by default. You have to specify syncOptions CreateNamespace=true:

  # ...
      - CreateNamespace=true

Automatic Sync and Prune

You have to enable automatic sync and prunning by:

  # ...
      prune: true
      selfHeal: true

ArgoCD App with Helm

Helm package from Git repo

kubectl apply -f examples/helm_from_git.yml

Helm package from Helm repo

kubectl apply -f examples/helm_from_package.yml

You can also install Helm without any specific helm configuration

kubectl apply -f examples/helm_with_dependencies.yml

Sync Hooks

Resource Hooks Docs

Example with pre & post sync hooks.

kubectl apply -f examples/sync-hooks/app-of-apps.yml

Sync Waves

Example of sync waves

kubectl apply -f examples/sync-waves/app-of-apps.yml

Own SSH known hosts

Get keys using ssh-keyscan

ssh-keyscan gitlab.sikademo.com

Add to configmap argocd-ssh-known-hosts-cm in argocd namespace.

kubectl patch -n argocd configmap argocd-ssh-known-hosts-cm --patch-file argocd-ssh-known-hosts-cm-patch.yml

Private Repositories


kubectl apply -f repo-https.yml


kubectl apply -f repo-https.yml

ArgoCD App Projects

kubectl apply -f appproj-foo.yml
kubectl apply -f appproj-bar.yml

Sync Window

We can specify SyncWindow at AppProject by:

  - applications:
    - '*'
    duration: 10m
    kind: allow
    schedule: 0 * * * *
    timeZone: UTC


kubectl apply -f argocd-app-bar.yml

App of Apps

App of Apps is global ArgoCD app which is created manually in the cluster and manages all others ArgoCD Apps using ArgoCD

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argocd-training/examples/master/app-of-apps.yml

Application Set

Application Set is a way how to create multiple ArgoCD Apps from one template.

kubectl apply -f examples/appset.yml

ArgoCD Image Updater


kubectl apply -n argocd -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj-labs/argocd-image-updater/stable/manifests/install.yaml

Public Example

kubectl apply -f examples/image_updater/helm_public.yml

Private Example

Allow Image Updater to access secrets in all namespaces

kubectl apply -f argocd_image_updater_read_secrets_in_all_namespaces.yml

Apply the example

kubectl apply -f examples/image_updater/helm_private.yml

slu CLI

Get Initial admin password

slu argocd initial-password
slu acd ip
slu acd ip | pbcopy

Get / Open ArgoCD URL

slu argocd get
slu argocd open

Reset admin password

slu argocd password-reset
slu acd pr

Port forward to ArgoCD without Ingress

slu argocd port-forward
slu acd pf

Thank you! & Questions?

That's it. Do you have any questions? Let's go for a beer!

Ondrej Sika

Do you like the course? Write me recommendation on Twitter (with handle @ondrejsika) and LinkedIn (add me /in/ondrejsika and I'll send you request for recommendation). Thanks.

Wanna to go for a beer or do some work together? Just book me :)

Past Training Sessions


My Notes

Replace README of training repo with link to this repo

echo '# !!! This is not an original ArgoCD Training repo. This repo has many changes from past training session. If you want to see an original ArgoCD training repo, please go to [ondrejsika/argocd-training](https://github.com/ondrejsika/argocd-training)' > README.md