
Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Ranker: A Tool for Buchi Automata Complementation

The repository contains the Ranker tool, rank-based-inspired complementation of Buchi automata. Currently supported types of omega-automata:

  • Buchi automata with mixed transition-based/state-based acceptance condition
  • Generalized co-Buchi automata



- gcc >= 8.3.0
- boost library

Install using make ranker in src folder.

Input Automata Format

The tool accepts automata in HOA format (Hanoi Omega Automata) as well as automata in BA format. Moreover the tool assumes HOA with the following restrictions

  • no aliases or any other fancy features of HOA are supported


To run Ranker use the following command:

./ranker [INPUT] {OPTIONS}

where OPTIONS are from the following:

    -h, --help                        Display this help menu
    --stats                           Print summary statistics
    --delay=[version]                 Use delay optimization, versions: old,
                                      new, random, subset, stirling
    --check=[word]                    Product of the result with a given word
    --flow=[dataflow]                 Data flow analysis [light/inner]
    -w[value], --weight=[value]       Weight parameter for delay - value in
    --no-elevator-rank                Don't update rank upper bound of each
                                      macrostate based on elevator automaton
    --det-beg                         Rank 0/1 to all states in the D/IW
                                      component in the beginning
    --eta4                            Max rank optimization - eta 4 only when
                                      going from some accepting state
    --elevator-test                   Test if INPUT is an elevator automaton
    --debug                           Print debug statistics
    --light                           Use lightweight optimizations
    --preprocess=[preprocess]         Preprocessing
    --acc-propagation                 Propagate accepting states in each SCC


If you use Ranker for academic purposes, please use the following citation

Reducing (to) the Ranks: Efficient Rank-based Büchi Automata Complementation. Vojtěch Havlena and Ondřej Lengál. In Proceedings of CONCUR'21. ISSN 1868-8969. 2021 (url)


  • Vojtěch Havlena <ihavlena at fit.vutbr.cz>
  • Ondřej Lengál <lengal at fit.vutbr.cz>
  • Barbora Šmahlíková <xsmahl00 at fit.vutbr.cz>