Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/google-styleguide before it disappears
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#42 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
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Show Issues tab
#41 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
minor patches for cpplint
#35 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
styleguide maintenance
#36 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
- 0
Fix a broken link in cppguide.html
#32 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
When I try to import eclipse-java-google-style.xml formatter to Eclipse I've got a warning dialog
#33 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
Patch for /trunk/javascriptguide.xml
#34 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
Forced return value in cpplint
#28 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
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cpplint can't handle multi word access specifiers (e.g., public slots:) correctly
#30 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 3
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- 0
Patch for /trunk/javaguide.html
#25 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 2
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Patch for /trunk/javascriptguide.xml
#23 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
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Patch for /trunk/cpplint/cpplint.py
#19 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
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Patch for /trunk/cpplint/cpplint.py
#21 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 4
Patch for /trunk/cpplint/cpplint.py
#16 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
Patch for /trunk/cpplint/cpplint.py
#17 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
- 1
Making cpplint Sonar friendly
#14 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
Patch for /trunk/javascriptguide.xml
#15 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 6
Failing on Windows using Python 3
#12 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
JavaScript Guide: add missing comma
#13 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
Update /trunk/pyguide.html
#10 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 2
No word about standard date format in lispguide.xml, how about http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
#11 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
XML style guide does not address pluralization of element names if those names are in a sequence.
#9 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
Enter one-line summary
#7 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
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Patch for /trunk/pyguide.html
#6 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 3
Objective-C style guide: incorrect statement about property implementation directives
#5 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 3
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Project prefix directory not calculated correctly with Mercurial repository
#2 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
Example Function 'CalculateSampleCovariance' in the R Style Guide mixes use and omission of curly braces for single-statement blocks.
#1 opened by GoogleCodeExporter