
Add a lua websocket library for the skynet game server framework.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Add a lua websocket library for the skynet game server framework.

Most of mobile apps use Websocket for communication, e.g: Wechat、H5、Web Service push.

A Simplify Websocket Server Example

The following usage examples will show you how to use skynet-websocket:

-- main.lua for skynet start script.
local skynet = require "skynet"
local socket = require "skynet.socket"
local wsserver = require "websocket.server"
local ws = require "ws"

  local server = socket.listen("", 8000, 128)
  socket.start(server, function(id, ipaddr)
    local wss = wsserver:new {
      fd = id,
      cls = ws,
      nodelay = true,
    return wss:start()

We launch a socket server(listen And All client connections will be received via the socket.start callback.

Create a Websocket.server object for each connection in the callback function and manage all events using the Websocket.server object.

The websocket.server object requires a parameter of lua.websocket.class, the sample file is here.

-- ws.lua is a lua.websocket.class sample file.
local skynet = require "skynet"
local class = require "class"

local ws = class("ws")

function ws:ctor (opt)
  self.ws = opt.ws             -- websocket对象
  self.headers = opt.headers   -- http headers
  self.send_masked = false     -- 掩码(默认为false, 不建议修改或者使用)
  self.max_payload_len = 65535 -- 最大有效载荷长度(默认为65535, 不建议修改或者使用)

function ws:on_open ()
  self.state = true
  self.count = 1

function ws:on_message (msg, type)
  -- 客户端消息
  skynet.error("客户端发送消息:", msg, type)
  self.ws:send(msg, type == 'binary')
  -- self.ws:close()

function ws:on_error (msg)
  -- 错误消息
  skynet.error("错误的消息:", msg)

function ws:on_close (msg)
  -- 清理数据
  skynet.error("客户端断开了连接:", msg)

return ws

To simplify the use of Websocket.server, we have defined four callback methods(must) for everyday use.

  • on_open, When the connection has been established.

  • on_message, When the server receives the message from the client.

  • on_error, When the protocol is wrong or other exceptions.

  • on_close, websocket.client or websocket.server actively disconnects(Usually used to clean up data).

Open Chrome browser and install wsc.crx plugin to test it. Start enjoying it. (passcode: cgwr)


write websocket.client. :)


MIT License