
An application that produces a shuffled set of values

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An application that produces a shuffled set of values.


Travis CI Build Status: Build Status

Codecov.io Code Coverage Status: codecov.io


Shuffle takes a single positive integer as input (N) and produces a list of integers in the range 1..N shuffled in a random order.

It uses the Fisher-Yates Shuffle to produce the list as fast a reasonably possible regardless of size.

For speed and memory reasons, it has a limitation of only producing lists with up to 10 million items.

Building Shuffle

In order to build Shuffle, you need to have Java 8 SE Developer Kit installed on your system.

After pulling the Git repo, you can build the application by calling:

./gradlew installDist

Shuffle is built with Gradle wrapper, which will:

  • download an embedded version of the Gradle build tools
  • download all required dependencies
  • build the application jar
  • download wrapper scripts that make executing Shuffle easier

Running Shuffle

The Shuffle application binaries are installed in the build/install/Shuffle directory. In order to run the application, navigate to the directory and run:

bin/Shuffle -n <numValues>

where numValues is the number of values that will be shuffled.

If you run into problems, you can run:

bin/Shuffle -h

To get a full list of options.

Testing Shuffle

Shuffle has a full suite of unit tests. The tests are designed to ensure that the application will perform as expected given valid input and also ensures that the lists produced are a sufficiently randomized set of values.

In order to run the unit tests included in Shuffle, use Gradle's check target:

./gradlew check

The test results can be viewed by opening build/reports/tests/index.html

Under the shuffle package, there are 2 groups of tests:

  • ShuffleApplicationTest tests ensure that Shuffle accepts and processes valid input.
  • ShufflerTest ensures that the output produced by Shuffle is correct and suitably shuffled.

Code coverage results can be viewed by opening build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html. This data is a reflection of the data reported by Codecov.io.