
Distributed ranges is a generalization of C++ ranges for distributed data structures.

Primary LanguageC++

Distributed Ranges


Productivity library for distributed and partitioned memory based on C++ Ranges.


Distributed Ranges is a C++ productivity library for distributed and partitioned memory based on C++ ranges. It offers a collection of data structures, views, and algorithms for building generic abstractions and provides interoperability with MPI, SHMEM, SYCL and OpenMP and portability on CPUs and GPUs. NUMA-aware allocators and distributed data structures facilitate development of C++ applications on heterogeneous nodes with multiple devices and achieve excellent performance and parallel scalability by exploiting local compute and data access.

Main strength of the library

In this model one can:

  • create a distributed data structure that work with all our algorithms out of the box
  • create an algorithm that works with all our distributed data structures out of the box

Distributed Ranges is a glue that makes this possible.



Enable OneAPI by:

source ~/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh

... or by:

source /opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh

... or wherever you have oneapi/setvars.sh script installed in your system.

Additional requirements for NVIDIA GPUs

When enabling OneAPI use --include-intel-llvm option, e.g. call:

source ~/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh --include-intel-llvm

... instead of source ~/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh.

Build and run

Build for Intel GPU/CPU

All tests and examples can be build by:

CXX=icpx cmake -B build
cmake --build build -- -j

Build for NVidia GPU


Distributed Ranges library works in two models:
  • Multi Process (based on SYCL and MPI)
  • Single Process (based on pure SYCL)

On NVIDIA GPU only Multi Process model is currently supported.

To build multi-process tests call:

CXX=icpx cmake -B build -DENABLE_CUDA:BOOL=ON
cmake --build build --target mp-all-tests -- -j

Run tests

Run multi process tests:

ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure -L MP -j 4

Run single process tests:

ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure -L SP -j 4

Run all tests:

ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure -L TESTLABEL -j 4

Run benchmarks

Two binaries are build for benchmarks:

  • mp-bench - for benchmarking Multi-Process model
  • sp-bench - for benchmarking Single-Process model

Here are examples of running single benchmarks.

Running GemvEq_DR strong scaling benchmark in Multi-Process model using two GPUs:

mpiexec -n 2 -ppn 2  build/benchmarks/gbench/mp/mp-bench --vector-size 1000000000 --reps 50 \
--v=3 --benchmark_out=mp_gemv.txt --benchmark_filter=GemvEq_DR/ --sycl

Running Exclusive_Scan_DR weak scaling in Single-Process model using two GPUs:

ONEAPI_DEVICE_SELECTOR='level_zero:gpu' KMP_AFFINITY=compact \
build/benchmarks/gbench/sp/sp-bench --vector-size 1000000000 --reps 50 \
--v=3 --benchmark_out=sp_exclscan.txt --benchmark_filter=Exclusive_Scan_DR/ \
--weak-scaling --device-memory --num-devices 2

Check all options:

./build/benchmarks/gbench/mp/mp-bench --help  # see google test options help
./build/benchmarks/gbench/mp/mp-bench --drhelp  # see DR specific options


See Distributed Ranges Tutorial for a few well explained examples.

Adding Distributed Ranges to your project

If your project uses CMAKE, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt to download the library:

find_package(MPI REQUIRED)
  GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/oneapi-src/distributed-ranges.git
  GIT_TAG main

The above will define targets that can be included in your project:

target_link_libraries(<application> MPI::MPI_CXX DR::mpi)

See Distributed Ranges Tutorial for a live example of a cmake project that imports and uses Distributed Ranges.


Add below code to your main function to enable logging.

If using Single-Process model:

std::ofstream logfile("dr.log");

If using Multi-Process model:

int my_mpi_rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_mpi_rank);
std::ofstream logfile(fmt::format("dr.{}.log", my_mpi_rank));

Example of adding custom log statement to your code:

DRLOG("my debug message with varA:{} and varB:{}", a, b);

Contact us

Contact us by writing a new issue.

We seek collaboration opportunities and welcome feedback on ways to extend the library, according to developer needs.

See also