Pinned issues
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antd 3.x 版本 配置问题
#96 opened by GoToBoy - 6
[vite-plugin-imp] element-plus/es/components/link/style/css.js is not found!
#90 opened by laoyingwei - 8
#66 opened by devie2020 - 1
connot resolve filename
#94 opened by cuiliangl - 10
Sourcemap is likely to be incorrect
#7 opened by toggery - 1
antd v5
#91 opened by god-of-javascript - 3
- 3
- 4
is the ignoreStylePathNotFound logic reversed?
#37 opened by nanxiaobei - 1
Add built-in Material UI support
#84 opened by Thenlie - 2
parse importmap in index.html failed
#81 opened by tjx666 - 3
Can't transform import "lodash"
#78 opened by tjx666 - 1
support inport `.vue ` file
#79 opened by tjx666 - 4
#5 opened by he-zhiyong - 1
why i set console.log in line 13 but the chrome console.log show the line is 28 ?
#67 opened by Tomato-orz - 1
vant/es/default/style/index.js is not found! 报错
#68 opened by bigyifeng - 4
Cannot work with vite.config.ts
#44 opened by richex-cn - 11
sourcemap is wrong
#23 opened by agileago - 1
React antd-mobile libDirectory 的bug
#40 opened by xxxxue - 3
Doesn't compatible with antd-mobile 5.0
#38 opened by leviathan-n - 1
- 3
Support 【customName】
#36 opened by jaijia-bao - 11
#34 opened by agileago - 1
Missing semicolon causes build to fail
#32 opened by itlangzi - 2
How about icon components import ? like arcod
#29 opened by zhoujinfu - 3
[vite-plugin-imp] antd/es/*/style is not found!
#25 opened by BuptStEve - 0
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Discuss: an idea to make this plugin easier
#19 opened by psaren - 1
type error
#21 opened by agileago - 2
- 6
Does the library not support Ant-design !!!
#16 opened by wiscgazf - 3
Debug sourcemap line error with antd.
#15 opened by zzjin - 4
#14 opened by y4n6 - 2
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name undefined in shared.js
#10 opened by Nfinding - 4
#8 opened by Mrchangchang - 2
can't work with antd or antd-mobile
#3 opened by rainmanhhh - 2
antd-vue, Popconfirm, throw 'Failed to resolve import "ant-design-vue/es/popconfirm/style/index.css". Does the file exist?'
#4 opened by imzbf - 0
import ElFormItem error occurred
#1 opened by hangsman