- 2
QUESTION: how do you connect with tls
#240 opened by yotam201410 - 3
- 7
FEATURE: Improve the republish strategy with immediateNack and dead-letter queue
#237 opened by apehead - 2
FEATURE: Upgrade dependency superagent to v9.0.0+ to include vulnerability fix
#234 opened by CrystalSu - 2
- 6
- 13
- 3
BUG: no way to use passwords in connection url that would make the url invalid
#227 opened by toby-farris-bd - 5
No channels left to allocate
#225 opened by SaiKrishnaMaddu - 13
Messages multiply in queues (part II)
#222 opened by nico3dfx - 3
No channels left to allocate
#223 opened by pico21 - 21
Potential messages multiply?
#216 opened by nico3dfx - 3
- 7
FEATURE: Consumer prefetch update?
#221 opened by mortiy - 3
- 6
How can I do multi-ack?
#212 opened by mortiy - 2
Customize consumer tag
#209 opened by nico3dfx - 3
Failed to assert vhost: Timeout of 1000ms exceeded
#210 opened by thaoula - 11
Config with only subscribers
#208 opened by nico3dfx - 4
#206 opened by nico3dfx - 1
- 2
Update the queue configuration
#204 opened by nico3dfx - 3
- 24
- 1
Imperative API
#202 opened by jhaynie - 4
LoggableUrl Leaks partial passwords
#200 opened by matt1097 - 4
Rascal reestabilishes connection and subscription sessions but handlers are not being executed
#198 opened by pbsf - 1
Dependency on amqplib
#197 opened by gsuhm - 1
SubscribeAll behaviour
#196 opened by torohaifisch - 2
Question about busy publisher example
#194 opened by carlosvillademor - 0
- 3
Deleting queues and subscription on demand
#189 opened by SaiKrishnaMaddu - 2
Deprecated superagent module
#190 opened by wenshen35105 - 3
Add support for quorum queues
#188 opened by svrnwnsch - 5
Streams support?
#187 opened by dg-eparizzi - 6
- 3
I can publish a message to a deleted exchange and queue, it does not throw an error, the operation seems successful.
#183 opened by harunkelesoglu - 1
Protect passwords and secrets in the config file
#182 opened by yoav-melamed - 5
rascal doesn't provide any information as if its connected correctly or not to rabbitmq
#181 opened by manodupont - 1
- 12
Check if connection is live
#179 opened by co-sic - 5
(Question) Is there a way to use exponential backoff in recovery strategies
#169 opened by carlosvillademor - 2
- 2
Bundle JSONSchema for configuration file
#168 opened by BANOnotIT - 5
(Question ) management api - https
#170 opened by San-eng - 2
MaxListenersExceededWarning in Subscription.js
#178 opened by PizzaPartyInc - 16
- 7
- 3
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