
Solve discrete logarithm problems by the index calculus method.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Discrete Logarithms via the Index Calculus Method

Included in this package is an implementation of the index calculus method
for solving discrete logarithms in the multiplicative group of GF(p), for
p prime.  This implementation is intended to be called from inside a program
supplied by the user; however, a sample program, dlog-test.cpp, is included.


To make this software, do the following:

(1) Edit Makefile to ensure that NTLPREFIX is correctly set.
(2) Type 'make'.

Note: for (1), if the NTL header files are located in /opt/local/include/NTL/
and the library is named /opt/local/lib/libntl.a, then NTLPREFIX should be 
set to /opt/local.

Note: for best results, compile NTL to use GMP as its underlying large integer
package (LIP).  The Makefile assumes you have done this.  If you aren't using
GMP, you may need to remove the '-lgmp' from the NTLLIB line.


Please examine the program dlog-test.cpp for an example of the use of the
interface.  The essential points are:

1. Include the header file IndexCalculus.h.

2. ZZ_p::init() has to be called with an appropriate modulus.

3. Create an instance of the class IndexCalculus, passing it an appropriate
   base for the logarithm function.  The index calculus precomputation
   happens at this moment.

4. Compute individual logarithms by calling the log() method of the 
   IndexCalculus object.  The log() function will return a negative number 
   if there was an error.


This software works best if the modulus, p, is chosen as 2q+1, where q is
prime (this is what dlog-test.cpp does).  The software will also work in the
case where p=rq+1, q prime, and r<100.  If cases where r>100 (but still small)
are needed, this can be added without much difficulty.  The case where p-1
is a product of several large primes or a power (square, etc.) is much more
difficult handle.

The base for the logarithms can be any group element, but a small base
(especially a prime generator) will result in a slightly faster precomputation.
The algorithm should also work in the case where the base is not a generator of
the group; however, some logarithms will be impossible to compute.


The precomputation requires much more time than the computation of an 
individual logarithm.  Furthermore, the time required to compute each
individual logarithm is highly variable, is faster for small residules,
and gets faster (ever so slowly) as more logarithms are computed.  When
the same logarithm is computed multiple times, it will be almost instantaneous
the second and subsequent times due to the internal caching that is done.

The precomputation has been optimized on an Athalon XP1700 machine with 256MB
of RAM so it should be as fast as it can be on any similar machine.  The
computation of an individual logarithm has not been as thoroughly optimized
and uses a substandard algorithm for testing smoothness, so it could be
improved if necessary.

Here are some rough timing measurements for various problems solved on a 
400MHz PowerPC with 128MB of RAM:

   64 bit modulus:  1 minute setup,  2 seconds per logarithm

   80 bit modulus:  5 minute setup,  1 minute per logarithm

  100 bit modulus:  1 hour setup,    8 minutes per logarithm


The following warning message may appear:

  IndexCalculus::make_system() 4 INCORRECT LOGARITHMS

This is normal (at least I think it's normal) and it doesn't seem to impact
the performance of the algorithm as long as the number mentioned is small.

The line:

can be added before creating an IndexCalculus object to get a lot more messages
displayed.  With VERBOSE=0, messages regarding sieving and linear algebra
progress will still be displayed.  If you need the algorithm to operate in
complete silence, let me know.

Question, comments, problems, or other concerns can be emailed to: