
A repository containing a compiling Cinder helloworld project in Eclipse/MAKE for other people who like xcode, but gave up on it's C++ editing abilities.

Primary LanguageC++

#Xcode is a great IDE, however it is not great at C++ editing

It provides only very barebones syntax highlighting, even more barebones code completion, and no edit-time error checking.

Cinder is a great library, but it's very vast - Without code-completion I was very lost/ nearly all the time poking through the header files and opening the .cpp files in other editors so I could learn it more thouroughly.

(Re)-Enter EclipseIDE for C++

This project is presented as is for anyone else who would like to use a C++ editor on osx that is actually aware of your classes.
From what I've used it so far, it is much better - but compile times are a little slower, however the time you save while editing is well worth it imo.


  1. http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-cc-developers/heliossr2
  2. Download this project
  3. Import into eclipse workspace (select import existing project in the 'general' drop down)
  4. In terminal browse to directory where you downloaded the project
    1. enter: "ln -s abc123 CINDER_PATH_LINK"
    2. Where abc123 is the absolute path where you placed cinder
  5. After hitting, apply/ok and closing that window select Project->Build All and project should build successfully.

Alternative Instructions with pictures



Debugger / Hitting a breakpoint


OpenNIStarterKit Block


Better syntax highlighting, and code sense
