
A script to easily handle atomic deployments in a Linux environment.

Primary LanguagePHP

Atomic Deployments

This project is based on the concepts presented in Buddy Atomic Deployments. It provides functionality to handle shared files and directories across deployments. While this was built for use with Buddy, it will work in any standard *nix environment.


  • PHP 5.5+
  • curl

File Structure

  • deploy-cache/ - the location where all files are uploaded to the server
  • revisions/ - a directory containing all revisions
  • current - a symbolic link to the current revision
  • shared/ - a directory containing files that should be shared across all deploys


curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/onedesign/atomic-deployments/master/atomic-deploy.php | php -- --revision=$(date "+%F-%H-%M-%S")

Buddy + Craft 2 Example

Add the following in the "SSH Commands" section after your file upload action in your pipeline:

curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/onedesign/atomic-deployments/master/atomic-deploy.php | php -- --revision=${execution.to_revision.revision} --symlinks='{"shared/config/.env.php":".env.php","shared/storage":"craft/storage"}'


  • --revision (required) accepts a string ID for this revision
  • --deploy-dir accepts a base directory for deployments (default: current working directory)
  • --deploy-cache-dir accepts a target cache directory (default: deploy-cache within deploy-dir)
  • --revisions-to-keep number of old revisions to keep in addition to the current revision (default: 20)
  • --symlinks a JSON hash of symbolic links to be created in the revision directory (default: {})
  • --help prints help and usage instructions
  • --ansi forces ANSI color output
  • --no-ansi disables ANSI color output
  • --quiet supresses unimportant messages
  • --protect Password protect sites at .oneis.us (default: true)


Symlinks are specified as {"target":"linkname"} and use the native ln utility to create links.

  • target is relative to the --deploy-dir path
  • linkname is relative to the revision path

For example, specifying this option:


will create symlinks the same way as:

ln -s <deploy-dir>/shared/config/.env.php revisions/<revision>/.env.php
ln -s <deploy-dir>/shared/logs revisions/<revision>/logs

Note: Files and directories that exist where the symlinks are being created will be overwritten. For example, using the above example, this is actually what is happening:

rm -rf revisions/<revision_id>/.env.php \
  && ln -sfn <deploy-dir>/shared/config/.env.php revisions/<revision>/.env.php
rm -rf revisions/<revision_id>/logs \
  && ln -sfn <deploy-dir>/shared/logs revisions/<revision>/logs

Password Protection

By default, the deployment will password protect any site that is served from a *.oneis.us domain name. This works by prepending the contents of the templates/htaccess-auth.txt file to any existing .htaccess file found in the current/web directory. If an .htaccess file does not exist within that directory, one will be generated using the templates/htaccess.txt file.


cd ./test
php ../bin/deploy \
  --deploy-cache-dir="./deploy-cache" \
  --revision="123456" \