
A monorepo for my projects

Primary LanguageSvelte


This is a test monorepo that consists of 2 .git repos

  • .git at the root ./
  • .git at ./apps/+ui (git submodule)
+ ├── .git
  ├── apps/
  │   ├── +projects/
  │   └── +ui/
+ │       └── .git
  └── packages/


In order to clone this repo and it's submodules you have to use the --recursive flag (see SO link)

git clone --recursive https://github.com/oneezy/projects.git

From the root directory run pnpm i to install packages in both root .git and submodules .git


When trying to get this working I've made heavy use of pnpm clean (git clean -fXd) to remove all folder/files listed in .gitignore to ensure project is fresh for testing.

  • If you just run pnpm clean it will only clean the current .git directory you're in but not the git submodule
  • To bypass having to cd in/out of everything, run the pnpm clean:all from the root ./ directory which is a custom shell script (chmod +x ./.sh/clean.sh to make it executable - sorry @country :)


The goal is to successfully have a shared @oneezy/ui component lib that can be worked on in a single repo (oneezy/ui) or a monorepo (oneezy/projects) or simply pnpm i -D @oneezy/ui (not published yet) to use wherever. Once this workflow is figured we'll be able to use this for other things such as public docs repo/ ect ect.

To Do

  • Make .git and .git submodule co-exist so able to work on ui lib simultaneously from project to project (can use same pattern for docs / other public repos)
  • Update Sveltekit to 1.0.0
  • Combine Histoire + Sveltekit
  • Make apps/+ui (@oneezy/ui) histoire app + component lib (pnpm dev --filter @oneezy/ui)
  • Make apps/+ui (@oneezy/ui) import from the $ui alias (apps/+ui/src/lib) instead of @oneezy/ui (because packages can't depend on themselves...doh!)
  • Make all apps/** (@apps/some-app) with the exception of apps/+ui(@oneezy/ui) import components from the @oneezy/ui workspace
// apps/+ui
import { Button } from '$ui'

// apps/** ... (BUT NOT apps/+ui !)
import { Button } from '@oneezy/ui'

NOTE: attempts were made at using svelte package to package up apps/+ui/src/lib and dist it to packages/ui to stick w/ our previous paradigm, however I ran into 2 @oneezy/ui workspaces being installed (confusion) .. and the whole packages depending on themselves inception thing. Opted for giving components their own app to sit alongside histoire stories.

  • Use Sveltkit specific $modules in imports in Histoire (issue #384 says closed/fixed but it ain't working on this end)