- 6
colour of Selection
#227 opened by mhusnainnnaseer786 - 0
Closing modal to reset date selection
#254 opened by db-qc - 0
OnSelect didn't work with onSelectStart
#256 opened by logeshwaran1998 - 0
[Mobile view] Scrolling date picker using touch behavior also selects date
#255 opened by chesterblendit - 0
half a day selection issue
#253 opened by Akshayaa1912 - 0
hi.. I need to show half a day selection in my project - half a day morning/evening. On passing a date, its highlighting the date partially below. How to highlight the date partially above?
#252 opened by Akshayaa1912 - 0
hi.. I need to show half a day selection in my project - half a day morning/evening.
#251 opened by Akshayaa1912 - 2
dependency limited to react 16.x
#247 opened by Productivix - 0
on outside click of calendar POPUP should close
#249 opened by 98rahul - 1
Please update the following components: CalendarDate, CalendarMonth, DateRangePicker, PaginationArrow
#234 opened by bedryck - 0
How to localize month labels
#246 opened by ayingzkie-blendit - 1
SelectionType='single' and DateRange value
#241 opened by adam-dicker - 0
How to clear a particular selected range?
#242 opened by WaqqarSuleman - 1
cutom text under day
#214 opened by winningcode - 0
Update moment-range to latest version 4.0.2
#240 opened by sga-harshita - 1
How to select only single day ?
#238 opened by iamrraj - 0
- 0
How to Close calendar on date selection?
#236 opened by iamrraj - 2
setState in onSelectStart function is not working
#224 opened by mpotnu - 1
Custom icon for Pagination
#235 opened by NimishGopal - 1
Today cell highlight
#232 opened by brave-coder9 - 6
moment-range dependency still not fixed - Error: Can't resolve 'moment-range'
#202 opened by hussaintamboli - 0
- 1
Select Y or M after init Picker
#230 opened by Phillbot - 3
Unselect / Clear
#211 opened by hlarcher - 1
Range in a single day
#226 opened by andrewquartey - 2
- 0
React life-cycle warning
#228 opened by alenJoz - 0
DateRange-Picker breaks the application
#225 opened by priverblack - 0
- 0
Clearing values
#221 opened by julia-kafarska - 0
Cannot go ahead with months
#220 opened by Lory1990 - 0
Select inputs for month and year should have hidden label or aria-label attribute
#219 opened by heutonaj - 0
- 0
bundle.js:218790 Warning: getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass definitions. Use a static property named `defaultProps` instead.
#215 opened by scamden - 0
Failed PropType
#213 opened by jportella93 - 0
- 0
initialDate prop non-functional?
#209 opened by lusa - 2
How to select fixed date ranges
#208 opened by CaptainT33mo - 9
multiple "unavailable" blocks
#192 opened by bensialih - 3
- 2
- 3
There is no locale attribute in typescript.
#204 opened by yahengqi - 0
Wrong module get downloaded
#201 opened by tvcologan - 2
Trigger event when PaginationArrow is clicked
#200 opened by balazsorban44 - 1
- 2
Improve documentation
#196 opened by balazsorban44 - 7
initialMonth: 0, does not work
#193 opened by james-ff - 0
- 1
Support for IE 11
#187 opened by rohitkoshy