
Yet Another Universal Helm Chart for building GitOps infrastructure.

Primary LanguageSmartyBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Yet Another Universal Helm Chart (YAUHC)

Universal chart for building GitOps infrastructure. It can be used both independently and as a dependent chart.

Core Philosophy: fewer parameters - faster setup.


helm repo add yauhc https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/40345586/packages/helm/stable
helm repo update
helm upgrade project YAUCH -f ./values.yaml --install --wait


  • https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/40345586/packages/helm/stable - public helm repository.
  • ./values.yaml - path to infrastructure's values.


samples contains examples for some deployment cases.

  • samples/simple_https_service.yaml - An example of how to deploy a simple http service with tls (with cert-manager and issuer installed)
  • samples/simple_https_microservices.yaml - An example of how to deploy multiple services and connect them in one endpoint behind an https proxy (with cert-manager and issuer installed).


Deployments parameters

All deployments controlled by list of dicts named deloyments. Almost all values can be overrided with generic dict. Deployment's pods updates their annotations when content of configmaps updates too. If deployment doesn't have image parameter but have configs only configmap will be deployed. Without configs and image nothing will be deployed. For deployments with port parameter automatically creates service with same port and same selector.

If kind is not set explicitly, then it will be chosen according to the following principle:

  1. If there are volumes, the StatefulSet will be selected.
  2. If there are no volumes, then Deployment will be selected.

You can also choose DaemonSet , but for them the volumes will match the path on the node.

Name Required Generic Description Value
image yes yes Docker image that will be used ''
name no no Name for deployment,configmap,service,ingress and selectors. '{.Release.Name}-{index in deployments}'
labels no yes Labels to add to all deployments. {}
annotations no yes Annotations to add to all deployments and pods. {}
revisionHistoryLimit no yes Limitation of old replicasets should be kept. ``
replicaCount no yes Deployment replicas count. ``
strategy no yes Deployment strategy. {}
terminationGracePeriodSeconds no yes Integer setting the termination grace period for the pods. 30
imagePullPolicy no yes Docker image pull policy. 'IfNotPresent'
command no yes Container command override (list). []
args no yes Container args override (list). []
env no yes Dict of extra environment variables. {}
readinessProbe no yes Readiness probe object for container. {}
livenessProbe no yes Liveness probe object for container. {}
startupProbe no yes Startup probe object for container. {}
resources no yes The resources requests and limits for container. {}
nodeSelector no yes Node labels for Hook Job; pods assignment. {}
affinity no yes Affinity for deployment; replicas pods assignment. {}
tolerations no yes Tolerations for deployment; replicas pods assignment. {}
configs no yes Dict with filenames and their content. {}
configPath no yes Path in container where configs will mounted. /etc/{name}
configmapSuffix no yes Additional suffix for configmap name. settings
port no yes Port exposed from container in deployment. ``
portType no yes Type of a service. ``
serviceAnnotations no yes Annotations to add to services for deployment. {}
domain no yes Domain name for deployment's ingress. ''
domainPrefixed no no Setup name as subdomain for ingress endpoint. false
issuer no yes Name of cert-manager's issuer for ingress tls. ''
endpointPath no yes Name of path for microservice style ingress. ''
kind no yes Kind of container deployment. ''
volumes no yes Mapping with name of volume as key and mount path as value. {}
volumeSpec no yes Persistent volume claim spec for all volumes. {}


samples contains examples for some deployment cases.

  • samples/simple_https_service.yaml - An example of how to deploy a simple http service with tls (with cert-manager and issuer installed)
  • samples/simple_http_service.yaml - An example of how to deploy a simple http service without tls but with QoS.
  • samples/simple_https_microservices.yaml - An example of how to deploy multiple services and connect them in one endpoint behind an https proxy (with cert-manager and issuer installed).
  • samples/wrap_external_services.yaml - An example with deployment only services and ingress without payload.