
Gatekeeper support library for Android

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION


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Gatekeeper support library for Android.



buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

dependencies {
  compile com.github.onehilltech:android-gatekeeper:x.y.z

Getting Started

Configuring meta-data in AndroidManifest.xml

Use the gatekeeper-cli to add a new client that represents the mobile application to the database. Then, define the following values in strings.xml:

<!-- make sure to add trailing / -->
  <!-- // other things -->
  <string name="gatekeeper_baseuri">URL for Gatekeeper</string>

  <!-- values generated by gatekeeper-cli -->
  <string name="gatekeeper_client_id">CLIENT ID</string>
  <string name="gatekeeper_client_secret">CLIENT SECRET</string>

The strings then need to be referenced as meta-data in AndroidManifest.xml.

  <!-- // other things -->
  <!-- Gatekeeper metadata -->



Initialize Gatekeeper in the application

Update your Application class to call Gatekeeper.init (context). You must also initialize DBFlow.

public class TheApplication extends Application
  public void onCreate ()
    super.onCreate ();

    FlowManager.init (
        new FlowConfig.Builder (this)
            .openDatabasesOnInit (true)
            .build ());

    // Initialize Gatekeeper
    Gatekeeper.initialize (this);

Login / New account activity

Export the default activities for login and creating a new account, if applicable, to AndroidManifest.xml.

<activity android:name="com.onehilltech.gatekeeper.android.SingleUserLoginActivity" />
<activity android:name="com.onehilltech.gatekeeper.android.NewAccountActivity" />

Protecting activities

Last, we need to protect the activities that require login. Create a SingleUserSessionClient in each activity, and make sure the user is logged in before continuing on the Activity.onStart() method. This will ensure that regardless of how the user enter the application, they must be logged in.

public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity
  implements SingleUserSessionClient.Listener
  private SingleUserSessionClient session_;

  protected void onCreate (@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState)
    super.onCreate (savedInstanceState);

    this.setContentView (R.layout.activity_main);

    this.session_ = new SingleUserSessionClient.Builder (this).build ();
    this.session_.setListener (this);

  protected void onStart ()
    super.onStart ();

    // Make sure the user it logged in.
    this.session_.checkLoggedIn (this, SingleUserLoginActivity.class);
    // If you do not want create a SingleUserSessionClient object, 
    // then use:
    // SingleUserSessionClient.ensureLoggedIn (this, SingleUserLoginActivity.class);

  public void onLogin (SingleUserSessionClient client)
    // Handle the user logging in

  public void onLogout (SingleUserSessionClient client)
    // Handle the user logging out

Custom Activities