Welcome to the F52

F52.tech is the technologic declination of the F52.

What is F52?

  • The F52 is a mindset.
  • The F52 is unique, powerful, independant, and free.
  • The F52 used to be a unique place somewhere in the upper part of the Saint-Denis street, in Montréal.
  • At the beginning of the F52, there was a beautiful plane, drawn by Chaland.

What about Arcsecond.io

"F52 technologies" is the legal french company owned by Cédric Foellmi, a.k.a. @onekiloparsec.

It is the legal umbrella of arcsecond.io.


F52 technologies
66 Boulevard Gambetta
38000 Grenoble
SIRET: 832 472 005 00012
TVA Intracommunautaire: FR95832472005
Code NAF: 6202A
email: cedric@f52.tech