
A generator of full-featured Vuex modules for CRUD REST endpoints handling mutations, actions, state & selection. Ideal for large Vue.js SPA using dozens of API endpoints (see https://www.arcsecond.io as an exemple).

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Generate a full-featured Vuex 3 module linked to a REST endpoint. Especially useful for large Single-Page Applications using more than 50+ endpoints and choosing Vuex as state management.

This lib has no dependencies apart from vuex.

Basic Usage


With this simple declaration:

import axios from 'axios'

const satellites = makeStoreModule('satellite', 'norad_catalog_number')
  .generateActions(axios, 'https://api.arcsecond.io/', 'lcrusd')
  • satellite is the singular root name for the module
  • norad_catalog_number is the name of the id property. Check what the backend use for these resources (usually id , pk, or uuid).
  • axios is a HTTP requests library. You can use any lib you choose with the same basic APIs.
  • https://api.arcsecond.io/ is the base URL of the backend resources.
  • lcrusd is a custom strings indicating we want to generate all the mutations & actions (see "LCRUSD ?" below).

...you get a namespaced vuex store module with...


...this state (automatically updated and managed):

  • a satellites array (initial = [])
  • a satellitesLoadingStatus object for each activated LCRUSD action (see below): (initial = { list: false, create: false, read: null, update: null, swap: null, delete: null })
  • a selectedSatellite property (initial = null) to hold a single selection
  • a lastSatellitesError property (initial = null) to hold the last action error.


... this getter:

  • a getSatellite(norad_catalog_number) returning the object if found, and null otherwise.


...these fetch / LCRUSD mutations (automatically handled by the module actions, you don't need to call them yourself):

  • [list|create|read|update|swap|delete]SatellitePending
  • [list|create|read|update|swap|delete]SatelliteSuccess
  • [list|create|read|update|swap|delete]SatelliteFailure

which correspondingly updates the satelliteLoadingStatus object property (with a boolean for list and create and the object id for the other actions.)

...but also this mutation:

  • selectSatellite(<satelliteObject>)


...these (async) actions, which both update the module state and return the request body (making the use of them very flexible):

  • a listSatellites() (which can receive search parameters like this: listSatellites({key1: value1, key2: value2})
  • a createSatellite(payload) with a payload object
  • a readSatellite(norad_catalog_number) with the norad_catalog_number which is the name of the id for htis endpoint.
  • a updateSatellite({norad_catalog_number: <value>, data: <data object>})
  • a swapSatellite({norad_catalog_number: <value>, data: <data object>})
  • a delete(norad_catalog_number) with the norad_catalog_number which is the name of the id for htis endpoint.


It is a simple way to distinguish actions made on a RESTful backend, because names based on HTTP verbs, or the usual CRUD acronym aren't sophisticated enough. For instance, a GET request to a list endpoint fetches an object, while a GET on the list endpoint returns all the resource objects. It is more readable, at the functional app code level, to distinguish these two "reads".

Hence, quite logically:

  • l means list and performs a GET request on the list endpoint
  • c means create and performs a POST request on the list endpoint
  • r means read and performs a GET request on the detail endpoint
  • u means update and peforms a PATCH request (= partial update) on the detail endpoint
  • s means swap and performs a PUT request (= full update) on the detail endpoint
  • d means delete and performs a DELETE request on the detail endpoint

Depending on the lcrusd string passed as parameter, not all actions are generated. For instance, for a read-only REST endpoint, simply pass lr. There will be no create..., update..., swap... nor delete... mutations and actions generated in the module.

Typical workflow

In a Vue.js component, you can have a table displaying the satellites array. At the beginning it is empty, but you trigger a listSatellites action, during which the satellitesLoadingStatus.list is true. Once successful the satellites array is filled with the request response, while the loading status is back to false. Clicking on a row of the table triggers selectSatellite which allow other Vue components to see a non-null selectedSatellite.

Items Data Management

  • If a read is successful, it will update the list and replace the object inside it if it is present. If not, it will be appended to the list.
  • If an update is successful, it will update the list and update the object inside it if it is present. If not, it will be appended to the list.
  • If an swap is successful, it will update the list and replace the object inside it if it is present. If not, it will be appended to the list.
  • If a delete is successful, it will update the list and remove the object inside it if it is present.

Of course, the selection state is always updated accordingly.

Moreover, If an action is called on an unknown item, it does nothing silently.

Base Use Case

(Just a way to explain why the above.)

Say, you have an Vue.js (v2) Single-Page Application (SPA) for the browser, that is heavily relying on a pure RESTful backend,...

Say, you choose to develop your large SPA with Vuex, the Vue.js module with Redux principles, as a state management library...

Say, you need to easily retrieve and store list of items, possibly paged, and supporting search query parameters...

Say, you need to also fetch details of items, and easily managed the introduction in your module of new items, update of items, deletion of items...

Say, you regularly need to also handle the selection of an item in a list, or even the selection of multiple items of that list...

Say, you need this a dozen times, maybe a dozen dozen dozen times... all the same basic way...

Say, of course, that for all these actions, you need to correctly handle the request failures, the succeses and the famous loading status to display that little spinning wheel...

Advanced Usage

In fact, you get a lot more with this lib. But make sure to read what's above first, and let flow it inside your head.

Then... (TODO, write about paged-list endpoints, subresources & data attaching)



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npm run build

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npm run test:unit

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npm run lint