
Practice rx, room, livedata, recyclerview pagination, retrofit, moshi, dagger2, repository pattern

Primary LanguageKotlin


Practice rx, room, livedata, recyclerview pagination, retrofit, moshi, dagger2, repository pattern

Building on your environment

Add your tmdb API key in your local.properties file.



  • Dagger2 for dependency injection
  • Retrofit2 for constructing the REST API
  • Moshi for handling json
  • RxJava2 for reactiveX used in networking and repository
  • LiveData for lifecycle safe observables
  • Glide for loading images
  • Timber for logging
  • Stetho for debugging persistence data & network packets
  • Room for sqlite persistence


  • MVVM
  • Repository pattern
  • Repository sends data to viewmodel using rx, viewmodel sends data to activity using livedata