
Unshortens ad based url's and 301 redirects. Supports adf.ly, lnx.lu, linkbucks.com, and adfoc.us

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

=============================== unshortenit

Unshortens ad-based urls and 301 redirects. Supports adf.ly, lnx.lu, and sh.st.

  • Linkbucks.com and adfoc.us support temporarly removed.


  • Supports unshortening the following ad-based shortners:
    • Adf.ly and related subdomains
    • Custom adf.ly domains by passing the type='adfly' parameter
    • Sh.st
  • Supports any 301 redirected urls
  • Python 2.7, 3.3, and 3.4 support


import unshortenit

# Unshorten known ad urls.
# This call will not generate any HTTP requests unless the passed 
# URL is a known ad/shortening link, and the library knows how to
# unshortedn said link.
unshortened_uri, status = unshortenit.unshorten_only('http://ul.to')

# Unwrap any HTTP 30x redirects (if present). This will *always* issue a HTTP 
# HEAD request, even if there is not a  30x redirect on the passed link 
# (you cannot tell if a redirect is present without making a request).
unshortened_uri, status = unshortenit.unwrap_30x_only('http://ul.to')

# Unshorten any ad content, and unwrap any HTTP 30x redirects (if present).
# Internally, this basically calls unshorten_only(), and then unwrap_30x_only()
# sequentially on the passed URL, returning early if the unshorten_only()
# call returned an error.
unshortened_uri, status = unshortenit.unshorten('http://ul.to')

All calls will return a tuple (unshortened_uri, status)

unshortened_uri will contain the unshortened uri. If you pass in a non-shortener url it will return the original url. status will contain the status code or any error messages


pip install unshortenit