
MS-DOS Club Podcast web app

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a React web app to listen MS-DOS club podcasts while navigating through its contents.


This project has been created with create-react-app and NodeJS is needed to develop and build.

Available Scripts

npm start

Starts development environment and watches for file changes.

npm test

Starts testing environment and watches for file changes. Can be runned alongside npm start in a separated terminal window.

npm test

Runs all tests and creates a test coverage report.

npm run build

Creates a production build in ./build folder.

npm run serve

Runs a local server to test the production build. Note that npm run build must be runned before this command.

npm run test:e2e

Opens up e2e testing suite (cypress).

npm run lint

Runs linter. Note this script is runned automatically on each commit via Husky pre-commit hooks.