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React Native is an open source framework for building native apps with React.JS. It is supported in Android, iOS and Windows currently. And react-native-tizen-dotnet is a React Native framework for developer to build Tizen.NET apps on Tizen. It provides the same fundamental UI components and user experience with Tizen native Apps. Also it provides a easy and fast debugging way with Hot Module Reloading feature.
React development for TVs (Renderer for low memory applications and Packager for TVs)
This project is for providing a lightweight sdk tool based on vscode's extension mechanism, which provides TizenTV Apps' editor/build/launch/debug functions.
Tutorial and Sample apps for the Tizen TV web platform
Voice Interaction Framework web Api sample app for TV
onerain's Repositories
React Native is an open source framework for building native apps with React.JS. It is supported in Android, iOS and Windows currently. And react-native-tizen-dotnet is a React Native framework for developer to build Tizen.NET apps on Tizen. It provides the same fundamental UI components and user experience with Tizen native Apps. Also it provides a easy and fast debugging way with Hot Module Reloading feature.
React development for TVs (Renderer for low memory applications and Packager for TVs)
This project is for providing a lightweight sdk tool based on vscode's extension mechanism, which provides TizenTV Apps' editor/build/launch/debug functions.