
Ruby client for Pinecone Vector DB

Primary LanguageRuby

Pinecone Ruby Client

This is the complete Pinecone API and fully tested. Bug reports and contributions are welcome! Also, if you're interested in being a fellow maintainer, let me know.


gem install pinecone


require "dotenv/load"
require 'pinecone'

Pinecone.configure do |config|
  config.api_key  = ENV.fetch('PINECONE_API_KEY')
  config.environment = ENV.fetch('PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT')

Index Operations

Listing Indexes

pinecone = Pinecone::Client.new

Describe Index


Create Index

  "metric": "dotproduct",
  "name": "example-index",
  "dimension": 3,

Delete Index


Scale replicas

new_number_of_replicas = 4
pinecone.configure_index("example-index", {
  replicas: new_number_of_replicas
  pod_type: "s1.x1"

Vector Operations

Adding vectors to an existing index

pinecone = Pinecone::Client.new
index = pinecone.index("example-index")

  namespace: "example-namespace",
  vectors: [{
    id: "1",
    metadata: {
      key: value
    values: [

Querying index with a vector

pinecone = Pinecone::Client.new
index = pinecone.index("example-index")
embedding = [0.0, -0.2, 0.4]
response = index.query(vector: embedding)

Querying index with options

pinecone = Pinecone::Client.new
index = pinecone.index("example-index")
embedding = [0.0, -0.2, 0.4]
response = index.query(vector: embedding, 
                        namespace: "example-namespace",
                        top_k: 10,
                        include_values: false,
                        include_metadata: true)

Fetching a vector from an index

pinecone = Pinecone::Client.new
index = pinecone.index("example-index")
  ids: ["1"], 
  namespace: "example-namespace"

Updating a vector in an index

pinecone = Pinecone::Client.new
index = pinecone.index("example-index")
  id: "1", 
  values: [0.1, -0.2, 0.0],
  set_metadata: { genre: "drama" },
  namespace: "example-namespace"

Deleting a vector from an index

Note, that only one of ids, delete_all or filter can be included. If ids are present or delete_all: true then the filter is removed from the request.

pinecone = Pinecone::Client.new
index = pinecone.index("example-index")
  ids: ["1"], 
  namespace: "example-namespace", 
  delete_all: false,
  filter: {
    "genre": { "$eq": "comedy" }

Describe index statistics. Can be filtered - see Filtering queries

pinecone = Pinecone::Client.new
index = pinecone.index("example-index")
  filter: {
    "genre": { "$eq": "comedy" }

Filtering queries

Add a filter option to apply filters to your query. You can use vector metadata to limit your search. See metadata filtering in Pinecode documentation.

pinecone = Pinecone::Client.new
index = pinecone.index("example-index")
embedding = [0.0, -0.2, 0.4]
response = index.query(
  vector: embedding,
  filter: {
    "genre": { "$eq": "comedy" }

Metadata filters can be combined with AND and OR. Other operators are also supported.

{ "$and": [{ "genre": "comedy" }, { "actor": "Brad Pitt" }] } # Genre is 'comedy' and actor is 'Brad Pitt'
{ "$or": [{ "genre": "comedy" }, { "genre": "action" }] } # Genre is 'comedy' or 'action'
{ "genre": { "$eq": "comedy" }} # Genre is 'comedy'
{ "favorite": { "$eq": true }} # Is a favorite
{ "genre": { "$ne": "comedy" }} # Genre is not 'comedy'
{ "favorite": { "$ne": true }} # Is not a favorite
{ "genre": { "$in": ["comedy", "action"] }} # Genre is in the specified values
{ "genre": { "$nin": ["comedy", "action"] }} # Genre is not in the specified values
{ "$gt": 1 }
{ "$gte": 0.5 }
{ "$lt": -0.5 }
{ "$lte": -1 }

Specifying an invalid filter raises ArgumentError with an error message.

Sparse Vectors

pinecone = Pinecone::Client.new
index = pinecone.index("example-index")
embedding = [0.0, -0.2, 0.4]
response = index.query(
  vector: embedding,
  sparse_vector: {
    indices: [10, 20, 30],
    values: [0, 0.5, -1]

The length of indices and values must match.

Query by ID

pinecone = Pinecone::Client.new
index = pinecone.index("example-index")
embedding = [0.0, -0.2, 0.4]
response = index.query(
  id: "vector1"

Either vector or id can be supplied as a query parameter, not both. This constraint is validated.

Collection Operations

Creating a collection

pinecone = Pinecone::Client.new
  name: "example-collection", 
  source: "example-index"

List collections


Describe a collection


Delete a collection



Contributions welcome!

  • Clone the repo locally
  • bundle to install gems
  • run tests with rspec
  • mv .env.copy .env and add Pinecone API Key if developing a new endpoint or modifying existing ones
    • to disable VCR and hit real endpoints, NO_VCR=true rspec
  • To setup cloud indexes when writing new tests ruby spec/support/setup.rb start and stop to delete them


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.