
Clone the repo and install the required packages:

git clone
cd cocp_simulations
pip install -r requirements.txt

Usage example

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from simulate_strategy import MiningSimulator

miner_cnt = 5
simulator = MiningSimulator(
    miner_compute_powers=np.full(miner_cnt, 10.0),
    miner_thresholds_low=np.full(miner_cnt, 0.0),
    miner_thresholds_high=np.full(miner_cnt, 2.0),
search_times, mine_times, rewards = simulator.run_simulation(), rewards)


Description of simulator

The simulator is a simple environment that simulates strategies of miners on the network as proposed in the proof of useful work paper.


The simulator is based on the following assumptions:

  1. Each miner follows this strategy:
    • Decide which package treshold is acceptable
    • Look for a package that fits the treshold
    • Start mining the package
    • Once someone finds a new block, stop mining, do not change tresholds, find a new package and repeat this process.
  2. Each miner has perfect knowledge of the problem difficulties (essentially difficulty estimation is perfect)
  3. Problem fee is a function of the difficulty and difficulty only
  4. Each miner finds packets with rate proportional to the miner's compute power



The parameters of the main MiningSimulator class are:

  • problem_cnt: The number of problems in the instance pool.
  • packet_size: The number of problems in a packet.
  • miner_compute_powers: A numpy array of size (number of miners) that contains the compute power of each miner (in difficulty/s).
  • miner_thresholds_low: Left bound of the threshold interval for each miner. A numpy array of size (number of miners).
  • miner_thresholds_high: Right bound of the threshold interval for each miner. A numpy array of size (number of miners).
  • iterations: Number of iterations to run the simulation for.
  • packet_creator: Packet creator class (check PacketCreatorSimulated in for the interface). Defaults to PacketCreatorSimulated.
  • difficulty_generator: The function that generates the difficulties of the problems in the instance pool. Defaults to get_difficulties_pareto.


  • Run difficulty generator and store in self.problem_difficulties. These are the difficulties of problems currently in the "instance pool".
  • Compute remaining times (how much time each miner will need for each problem). This is a numpy array of shape (number of miners, number of problems). Store in remaining_times.

Simulation loop

The simulator performs the following steps the given number of times:

  • For each miner find the packet that fits the threshold. Compute the time needed to find the packet.
  • For each miner compute the time spent to mine the packet (the time that miner would need to create a block).
  • Find the winner (miner that has the lowest time spent searching + time spent mining).
  • Reward the winner as per the get_fee function.
  • Reset the difficulties of problems that were mined by the winner. Update self.problem_difficulties.
  • Update the remaining times for all miners - although the other miners did not mine a block, they still solved some problems, or made progress. Update remaining_times.
  • For each miner update the remaining times for the new problems that were generated instead of the mined problems. Update remaining_times.