
A native C module for COBS

Primary LanguageC

Micropython Cobs

A native c module for COBS encoding in Micropython.

Before building the module install the dependencies.

git clone https://github.com/micropython/micropython.git
sudo mv micropython /opt/
cd /opt/micropython
git tag -l 
git checkout tags/v1.19.1
pip install pyelftools

Next to generate the .mpy file set your ARCH and run

# Architecture to build for (x86, x64, armv6m, armv7m, xtensa, xtensawin)
make ARCH=armv6m
# Copy the byte code onto your board
rshell cp cobs.mpy /pyboard/cobs.mpy

Example usage

import cobs
# supports bytes bytearray and strings
data = bytearray([0,1,2])
encoded_data = cobs.encode(data)
data == cobs.decode(encoded_data)